Issuer: Punktid Technologies AS
Legal entity ID: 984500E7550C3812C398
Type of financial instrument: Share
Identification code: EE3100089160
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A person performing management duties / a person closely associated with them
Name: Niid Holding OÜ
Position: Legal entity related to Hannes Niid, a member of the board of Punktid Technologies AS
Transaction type: Sale
Total volume: 14,300
Total price: 0.89
Date of transaction: 2023-08-22 to 2023-08-25
Place of transaction: First North Estonia
Niid Holding OÜ does not actively sell the shares of Punktid Technologies AS (Punktid), but due to the liquidity needs of Punktid, it has offered sales transactions to the buying party since 20 July 2023, if reasonable. After the comments of Punktid regarding the information published in the media (, there was significant interest in buying the shares of Punktid. Niid Holding OÜ lent the proceeds obtained from the sale of the shares to Punktid, which directed them in full to Punktid group in order to increase liquidity. If the buying interest continues and liquidity is needed, Niid Holding OÜ may sell additional shares of Punktid.
Additional information:
Hannes Niid
Management Board Member of Punktid Technologies AS