The Management Board of AS "APF Holdings", registration number: 50203047991, legal address: Maldugunu iela 4, Marupe, Marupe region, LV-2167, Latvia (hereinafter – the “Company”), hereby convenes and announces that the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders of the Company will take place on July 18, 2024 at 16:00 at the 1st floor conference room of the Business Garden Riga, Maldugunu iela 4, Marupe, Marupe region, LV-2167, Latvia.
The agenda:
The Management Board of the Company will provide the shareholders with the possibility to vote before the meeting and to connect to the meeting remotely, without physical attendance.
The record date for shareholders’ participation at the Annual Meeting of shareholders of the Company is July 10, 2024. Only the persons who are shareholders on the record date with the number of shares held by them on the record date are authorized to participate in the Annual Meeting of shareholders of the Company on July 18, 2024 as well as to vote in writing before the shareholders' meeting.
Shareholders have a right to participate in the meeting (including filling and submitting the voting before the meeting) in person or by mediation of their legal representatives or authorized persons. If the shareholder is represented by the authorized person, the power of attorney should be attached to the voting or the application form but legal representatives should attach to the voting or the application form the document proofing representation rights. The power of attorneys issued by natural persons should be notarised. The form of a written power of attorney is available on website the Company – on the section News and website of joint stock company Nasdaq Riga - and is also published together with this notification.
Voting prior to the meeting
Shareholders are invited to exercise their rights to vote in writing before the shareholders' meeting by sending a vote signed with a secure electronic signature to the e-mail: or signed in paper form by post to the legal address of the Company at Maldugunu iela 4, Marupe, Marupe region, LV-2167, Latvia.
The required voting form will be available on the Company webpage at on the section News as well as on AS “Nasdaq Riga” webpage at Such a vote will be considered if received by July 17, 2024. The voting form is published together with this notification.
Shareholders who voted before the meeting will be considered present at the meeting. A shareholder who has voted before the shareholders' meeting may ask the Company to confirm the receipt of the vote. The Company shall send a confirmation to the shareholder immediately upon receipt of the shareholder's vote.
Participation and voting at the meeting
The registration and identification of shareholders will take place in the following order:
The shareholders representing at least one-twentieth of the Company's share capital, have the right to request the Company's Board to include additional issues on the agenda of the Meeting no later than by July 3, 2024 (including). Shareholders representing at least one-twentieth of the Company's share capital have the right to submit draft decisions on the issues included in the agenda of the Meeting no later than by July 11, 2024 (including). If a shareholder submits a written request to the Company's Management Board no later than by July 11, 2024 (including), the Company's Board will provide all the requested information on the issues included in the agenda and other items discussed on the meeting no later than on July 15, 2024. All the correspondence mentioned above should be sent to by post to the legal address of the Company: Maldugunu iela 4, Marupe, Marupe region, LV-2167, Latvia or by sending them to the e-mail address: signed with a safe electronic signature.
The Company’s Annual report for 2023 is published on June 27, 2024, the Management Board proposal for the profit distribution and the draft resolutions are published together with this notification.
Information on the shareholders’ meeting is also available on the website of the Company at on the section News and on the website of AS Nasdaq Riga at The total amount of shares and the total amount of the shares with voting rights of the Company is 57’279’300.
The Management Board of AS "APF Holdings"
APF Holdings (NASDAQ: EGG) is a dynamic group of companies engaged in poultry farming, chicken egg production and trading, as well as gas and organic fertilizer production related to poultry farming processes. Our portfolio includes SIA Alūksnes putnu ferma (poultry farming and egg production), SIA APF Trading (wholesale trade in chicken eggs), SIA Oluksne (providing poultry farming and egg production services), SIA APF Energy (gas and organic fertilizer production), and SIA Preiļu putni (poultry farming and young chicken rearing). Founded in 2017, APF Holdings has become a leading player in the Baltic region's poultry and egg industry.
Contact information:
Jana Garanča
Marketing and Digital Projects Manager
APF Holdings
M: +371 26408922
Certified Adviser:
Signet Bank AS
Contact Person: Kristiāna Janvare
T: +371 67 081 128