Resolution (1): |
To approve the annual report of the Company for financial year ended on 31 December 2023 (Annex 1). |
Resolution (2): |
To approve the Company’s audited set of annual financial statements for financial year ended 31 December 2023 (Annex 2). |
Resolution (3): |
To distribute profit (loss) of the Company earned during financial year ended 31 December 2023 as follows: |
(i) Retained profit (loss) brought forward from the previous financial year at the end of the reporting financial year: EUR 4,225,748; |
(ii) Net profit (loss) of the reporting financial year: EUR 1,595,027; |
(iii) Profit (loss) of the reporting financial year not recognized in the profit (loss) statement: EUR 0; |
(iv) Transfers from reserves: EUR 0; |
(v) Shareholders’ contributions to cover the losses of the Company: EUR 0; |
(vi) Total profit (loss) available for distribution: EUR 5,820,777; |
(vii) Portion of profit allocated to the statutory reserve: EUR 0; |
(viii) Portion of profit allocated to the reserve for the purchase of own shares: EUR 0; |
(ix) Portion of profit allocated to the reserve for the granting of own shares: EUR 0; |
(x) Portion of profit allocated to other reserves: EUR 0; |
(xi) Portion of profit allocated for the payment of dividends: EUR 800,000 by paying dividends to the Company's shareholders in proportion to the number of shares held by paying EUR 0.8 per share; |
(xii) Portion of profit allocated for the payment of annual bonuses to members of the Management Board and the Supervisory Board, payment of incentives to employees and other purposes: EUR 0; |
(xiii) Retained profit (loss) at the end of the reporting financial year brought forward to the following financial year: EUR 5,020,777. |
Resolution (4): |
(1) To elect Grant Thornton Baltic UAB, legal entity code 300056169, registered office at Upės g. 21-1, Vilnius, Lietuva, Lithuania as the auditing firm to carry out the audit of the Company’s set of the annual financial statement for the financial year ending on 31 December 2024 |
(2) To authorize the Managing Director of the Company to sign the audit services agreement with the abovementioned auditing firm. |