On 6th of June, 2023 annual general meeting of AB Novaturas had taken place. Shareholders representing 4 172 117 shares ( 53.44 % from total issued 7 807 000) were present in the meeting. The meeting had accepted the following decisions:
1) | Undistributed result – profit (loss) of the previous financial year at the end of the accounting financial year | 10 454 |
2) | Net profit (loss) of the accounting financial year | (713) |
3) | Dividends paid during year 2022 | 0 |
4) | Profit (loss) for the accounting financial year unrecognized in the profit (loss) statement | 0 |
5) | Allocations from the reserves | 0 |
6) | Shareholders’ contributions to cover the Company’s losses (if the shareholders of the Company have decided to cover all or part of the losses) | 0 |
7) | Total profit (loss) to be appropriated | 9 741 |
8) | Share of profit allocated: | |
to mandatory reserve | 0 | |
to reserve for acquisition of own shares | 0 | |
to reserve for granting the shares | 0 | |
to other reserves | 0 | |
for payment of dividends | 0 | |
for other purposes (annual bonuses to Board members, etc.) | 0 | |
9) | Undistributed profit (loss) as of the end of accounting financial year, carried forward into the following financial year | 9 741 |
Vygantas Reifonas
+ 370 687 21603