The Management Board of AS Ekspress Grupp (registry code 10004677, official address Narva mnt 13, Tallinn 10151) proposes to the shareholders to adopt resolutions without convening a meeting in accordance to § 2991 of the Commercial Code.
The shareholders have the possibility to vote by e-mail using a voting ballot, which is added this notice on the website of Nasdaq Baltic stock exchange ( as well as of Ekspress Grupp homepage ( The filled in and signed ballot and the documents enabling identification of the shareholder and proof the right of representation shall be sent by e-mail at by no later than 31 October 2024 at 9:00 (Estonian time) in accordance with the procedure specified below. If a shareholder does not give notice of whether he is in favour of or opposed to the resolution during this term, it shall be deemed that the shareholder has voted against the resolution.
The circle of shareholders entitled to adopt the resolution will be determined seven days prior the term by which shareholders must present their position, i.e. on 24 October, 2024 at the end of the working day of the settlement system. Ekspress Grupp shall disclose the resolutions with a stock exchange announcement and on the company’s homepage no later than on 7 November 2024 in accordance with § 2991 (6) of the Commercial Code.
As at 9 October, 2024, the share capital of AS Ekspress Grupp is 18,575,605.20 euros. The total number of shares is 30,959,342, with each share granting one vote. The right to vote is not granted to AS Ekspress Grupp’s 3,030 own shares.
The management board of AS Ekspress Grupp submits the following draft resolution to the shareholders.
1. Appointing the auditor for auditing the financial years covering the period from 01.01.2024–31.12.2026.
To appoint KPMG Baltics OÜ (registry code 10096082) to serve as the auditor of AS Ekspress Grupp for the period 01.01.2024–31.12.2026 and to pay to the audit firm for auditing as per contract to be entered into with KPMG Baltics OÜ.
Organisational issues
Forwarding of the voting ballot and accompanying documents
The filled in and signed voting ballot and accompanying documents must be sent by e-mail to no later than 31 October 2024 at 9.00.
In order to assign a representative, the shareholder may use the template for power of attorney, which is published on the homepage of AS Ekspress Grupp at
Documents related to the resolutions
The draft resolutions and related documents are available on the websites of AS Ekspress Grupp ( and Nasdaq Baltic (
Questions related to the resolutions and adoption procedure
Questions related to the resolutions and the adoption procedure may be submitted to e-mail until the deadline given to the shareholders to present their position.
Mari-Liis Rüütsalu
AS Ekspress Grupp
Chairman of the Management Board
+372 512 2591
AS Ekspress Grupp is the leading Baltic media group whose key activities include web media content production, and publishing of newspapers, magazines and books. The Group also operates an electronic ticket sales platform and ticket sales offices and offers outdoor screen service in Estonia and Latvia. Ekspress Grupp launched its operations in 1989 and employs almost 1100 people.