The new coupon rate for bonds with 3 months interest rate fixing listed on Nasdaq First North is as follows:
The previous coupon rate for the bonds with 3 months interest rate fixing listed on Nasdaq First North is the following:
About L. J. LINEN:
LINEN is engaged in the sale of animal by-products and the provision of a tailored agricultural supply chain to market leaders. LINEN provides a seamless, full-cycle door-to-door sales and delivery service - the company is as a bridge between raw material producers and producers of animal feed, biofuels and human food. LINEN’s shareholders have in-depth knowledge and expertise in the sale of these components, gained in almost 30 years of experience and working with clients in 46 markets. The company is a supplier to some of the world's largest animal feed manufacturers and is one of the largest exporters of these ingredients to developing countries.