English Estonian
Published: 2023-08-03 07:00:00 CEST
Merko Ehitus
Quarterly report

2023 6 months and II quarter consolidated unaudited interim report


Q2 2023 revenue for Merko Ehitus was EUR 142 million and the H1 figure was EUR 217 million. Net profit in Q2 was EUR 13.6 million and net profit for the last six months was EUR 19.4 million. Merko delivered 512 apartments to new homeowners and 15 commercial units to businesses in H1.

According to the management of Merko Ehitus, the profit for the first half of the year was strong, as expected, since a number of apartment developments were completed, and pre-sold apartments were delivered to home-buyers. At the same time, the backstock of pre-sold apartments is nearing exhaustion and the market situation today is very different compared to 2020 and 2021. The pace of new apartment sales has dropped significantly, due to which also the launch of new developments by Merko group and on the Baltic market as a whole has slowed greatly. This in turn will mean fewer developments reaching completion and fewer apartments sold in the coming years. On the positive side, the situation on the apartment market has stabilized in the first half of the year, adjustment to the changes in the economic environment continues and market is seeing slightly more relaxed sentiment. Although there are currently fewer apartment buyers purchasing as an investment, new home purchase transactions are still being closed. However, a rapid change in demand is not seen in the near future and the launch of new projects is viewed cautiously. In the first half of the year, the group invested a total of EUR 56.5 million into developments in progress and new immovables.

In the first six months of 2023, the group companies entered into new construction contracts worth EUR 255 million, which was 32% more than in the comparison period, and the balance of secured order-book grew by approximately 29% as compared to the last year to EUR 418 million. In the sense of construction volumes, the group’s secured order-book will to a certain extent counterbalance the impacts of the apartment market decline in the next few years. At the same time, the operating environment in the construction sector remains unstable. Risk management is extremely important, as much as is possible given the high inflation and high interest rates, new regulations and administrative practices as well as the geopolitical situation.

In the first six months of the year, Merko delivered 512 apartments to new homeowners and 15 commercial units to businesses. As of the end of Q2, the group companies had 978 apartments on their balance sheets. Of apartments under construction, approximately 40% were covered by preliminary sale contracts. The largest apartment developments were Uus-Veerenni, Noblessner and Lahekalda in Tallinn, Erminurme in Tartu, Viesturdarzs, Mežpilseta and Magnolijas in Riga and Vilneles Skverai in Vilnius.
In Q2 of 2023, the largest sites under construction in Estonia were the Rae and Pelgulinna state gymnasiums, Hampton by Hilton and Hyatt hotel buildings, Arter Quarter and the infrastructure along the south-eastern border of the Republic of Estonia, Defence Forces buildings on Tapa base, a tram line between Old City Harbour and Rail Baltica Ülemiste passenger terminal and the first phase of Ülemiste terminal as well the renovation of Vana-Kalamaja Street. Projects in progress in Latvia were the GUSTAVS business centre and Elemental Business Centre office buildings. In Lithuania, wind farm infrastructure works and a substation in Kelmė region, and various buildings and infrastructure for NATO training centres.


2023 6 months’ pre-tax profit was EUR 20.2 million and Q2 2023 was EUR 14.1 million (6M 2022: EUR 8.4 million and Q2 2022 was EUR 4.9 million), which brought the pre-tax profit margin to 9.3% (6M 2022: 5.4%).
Net profit attributable to shareholders for 6 months 2023 was EUR 19.4 million (6M 2022: EUR 7.2 million) and for Q2 2023 net profit attributable to shareholders was EUR 13.6 million (Q2 2022: EUR 4.2 million). 6 months net profit margin was 8.9% (6M 2022: 4.6%).

Q2 2023 revenue was EUR 141.6 million (Q2 2022: EUR 87.8 million) and 6 months’ revenue was EUR 217.3 million (6M 2022: EUR 156.2 million). 6 months’ revenue increased by 39.1% compared to same period last year. The share of revenue earned outside Estonia in 6 months 2023 was 30.6% (6M 2022: 53.8%).

As of 30 June 2023, the group’s secured order book was EUR 418.2 million (30 June 2022: EUR 322.9 million). In 6 months 2023, group companies signed contracts in the amount of EUR 254.8 million (6M 2022: EUR 193.3 million). In Q2 2023, new contracts were signed in the amount of EUR 84.4 million (Q2 2022: EUR 22.1 million).

In 6 months 2023, the group sold a total of 512 apartments; in 6 months 2022, the group sold 214 apartments. The group earned a revenue of EUR 80.5 million from sale of own developed apartments in 6 months 2023 and EUR 27.1 million in 6 months 2022. In Q2 of 2023 a total of 367 apartments were sold, compared to 88 apartments in Q2 2022, and earned a revenue of EUR 61.2 million from sale of own developed apartments (Q2 2022: EUR 11.6 million).

At the end of the reporting period, the group had EUR 9.8 million in cash and cash equivalents, and equity of EUR 186.0 million (51.3% of total assets). Comparable figures as of 30 June 2022 were EUR 16.8 million and EUR 156.7 million (41.5% of total assets), respectively. As of 30 June 2023, the group’s net debt was EUR 68.0 million (30 June 2022: EUR 73.2 million).

in thousand euros

6 months
6 months
 II quarter
 II quarter
12 months
Revenue 217,347 156,198 141,596 87,772 409,633
Cost of goods sold (191,528) (138,917) (125,752) (78,363) (355,975)
Gross profit 25,819 17,281 15,844 9,409 53,658
Marketing expenses (2,095) (2,169) (1,018) (1,054) (4,077)
General and administrative expenses (8,261) (7,522) (4,296) (3,799) (15,860)
Other operating income 2,778 1,422 1,961 736 3,144
Other operating expenses (147) (455) (85) (394) (1,834)
Operating profit 18,094 8,557 12,406 4,898 35,031
Finance income/costs 2,126 (193) 1,735 (33) 2,067
incl. finance income/costs from joint ventures 3,819 328 2,539 330 3,516
interest expense (1,337) (374) (682) (212) (1,180)
foreign exchange gain (loss) (290) (67) (80) (119) (138)
other financial income (expenses) (66) (80) (42) (32) (131)
Profit before tax 20,220 8,364 14,141 4,865 37,098
Corporate income tax expense (929) (1,176) (637) (755) (2,995)
Net profit for financial year 19,291 7,188 13,504 4,110 34,103
incl. net profit attributable to equity holders of the parent 19,450 7,202 13,570 4,196 34,640
net profit attributable to non-controlling interest (159) (14) (66) (86) (537)
Other comprehensive income, which can subsequently be classified in the income statement          
Currency translation differences of foreign entities 72 (12) 19 (28) 30
Comprehensive income for the period 19,363 7,176 13,523 4,082 34,133
incl. net profit attributable to equity holders of the parent 19,490 7,189 13,580 4,169 34,648
net profit attributable to non-controlling interest (127) (13) (57) (87) (515)
Earnings per share for profit attributable to equity holders of the parent (basic and diluted, in EUR) 1.10 0.41 0.77 0.24 1.96

in thousand euros

30.06.2023 30.06.2022 31.12.2022
Current assets      
Cash and cash equivalents 9,795 16,773 17,665
Trade and other receivables 68,627 68,317 77,959
Prepaid corporate income tax 146 36 38
Inventories 216,142 228,240 225,661
  294,710 313,366 321,323
Non-current assets      
Investments in joint ventures 15,514 9,707 12,895
Other shares and securities 80 - -
Other long-term loans and receivables 21,457 23,616 22,982
Deferred income tax assets 1,044 1,115 693
Investment property 11,435 11,536 11,485
Property, plant and equipment 17,640 17,347 17,452
Intangible assets 582 635 582
  67,752 63,956 66,089
TOTAL ASSETS 362,462 377,322 387,412
Current liabilities      
Borrowings 39,783 48,854 49,687
Payables and prepayments 83,889 117,702 96,248
Income tax liability 1,419 2,275 1,241
Short-term provisions 9,805 6,879 9,820
  134,896 175,710 156,996
Non-current liabilities      
Long-term borrowings 37,965 41,153 42,236
Deferred income tax liability 1,774 1,649 2,355
Other long-term payables 2,472 2,322 2,133
  42,211 45,124 46,724
TOTAL LIABILITIES 177,107 220,834 203,720
Non-controlling interests (622) (240) (495)
Equity attributable to equity holders of the parent      
Share capital 7,929 7,929 7,929
Statutory reserve capital 793 793 793
Currency translation differences (743) (804) (783)
Retained earnings 177,998 148,810 176,248
  185,977 156,728 184,187
TOTAL EQUITY 185,355 156,488 183,692
TOTAL LIABILITIES AND EQUITY 362,462 377,322 387,412

Interim report is attached to the announcement and is also published on NASDAQ Tallinn and Merko’s web page (group.merko.ee).

Urmas Somelar
Head of Finance
AS Merko Ehitus
+372 650 1250

AS Merko Ehitus (group.merko.ee) group companies develop real estate and construct buildings and infrastructure. We create a better living environment and build the future. We operate in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Norway. As at the end of 2022, the group employed 661 people, and the group’s revenue for 2022 was EUR 410 million.

