The following decisions were adopted in the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders of AB Amber Grid (legal entity code 303090867, office address Laisvės pr. 10, LT-04215 Vilnius, Republic of Lithuania) on 20 April 2022:
1. Consolidated Annual Report of AB Amber Grid for 2021.
The consolidated annual report of AB Amber Grid for 2021 is taken into account (Annex No. 1).
2. Independent Auditor's Report on the Consolidated and Company’s Financial Statements and Consolidated Annual Report of AB Amber Grid for 2021.
Independent auditor's report on AB Amber Grid‘s audit of the seperate and consolidated financial statements and consolidated annual report is taken into account (Annex No. 1).
3. Approval of the set of consolidated and company’s financial statements of AB Amber Grid for 2021.
The set of consolidated and company financial statements of AB Amber Grid for 2021 is approved (Annex No. 1).
4. Regarding the provision of support.
EUR 166,000 are allocated to donation, taking into account the profit of the reporting year.
5. Approval of the distribution of profit of AB Amber Grid for 2021.
The distribution of profit of AB Amber Grid for 2021 is approved (Annex No. 2).
6. Approval of the remuneration report of AB Amber Grid for 2021.
The remuneration report of AB Amber Grid for 2021, which is a part of the consolidated annual report of AB Amber Grid for 2021, is approved.
7. Recall of members of the Management Board.
Decision is adopted to recall Algirdas Juozaponis and Renata Damanskytė - Rekašienė from the Management Board of AB Amber Grid as of 20 April 2022.
8. Election of members of the Board.
The decision is adopted to elect to the Board of AB Amber Grid as of 20 April 2022 until the end of its term of office:
8.1. Vytautas Bitinas, nominated by the parent company UAB EPSO-G;
8.2. Dalius Svetulevičius, nominated by the parent company UAB EPSO-G;
8.3. Karolis Švaikauskas, a civil servant.
9. Regarding the establishment of the terms and conditions of the Board's activity.
9.1. It is established that the members of the Management Board delegated by the parent company UAB EPSO-G and the State shall not be remunerated.
9.2. The updated standard terms and conditions of the contract on the activities of a member of the Board of AB Amber Grid are approved (Annex No. 3).
9.3. The Chief Executive Officer of AB Amber Grid is authorised to sign the standard agreement on the activity of a member of the Board in the management of AB Amber Grid approved with all the members of the Board on behalf of AB Amber Grid no later than within 5 (five) days from the day of the adoption of the decision.
10. Regarding the granting of powers to the Chief Executive Officer of AB Amber Grid.
The CEO of AB Amber Grid is authorised (with the right to sub-delegate) to notify the Register of Legal Entities of the Republic of Lithuania of the dismissal of members of the Board and the election of new members of the Board, to register the changed data in the Register of Legal Entities of the Republic of Lithuania and to perform all other related actions.
1. AB Amber Grid consolidated and separate financial statements, consolidated annual report, confirmation of responsible persons, Independent auditor’s report for the year 2021.
2. AB Amber Grid Profit Allocation for 2021;
3. Standard terms and conditions of the contract on the activities of a member of the Board of AB Amber Grid.
More information:
Laura Šebekienė, Head of Communications of Amber Grid,
+370 699 61 246,