AS "Citadele banka" (Citadele) shareholders meeting has approved the issuance of Senior Unsecured Preferred bonds – the total issue size is up to EUR 100,000,000 (one hundred million euro) with maturity up to 5 years, under the AS “Citadele banka” EUR 100,000,000 First Unsecured Fixed/Floating Rate Bonds Programme. The proceeds from the bond issuance will be used to fulfil the Minimum Requirement for Own Runds and Eligible Liabilities (“MREL”) set by the regulatory authorities.
The first issuance of bonds under this programme is expected to take place in the near future, subject to market conditions and regulatory approvals. The planned issuance size is up to EUR 35,000,000 and is intended solely for institutional and qualified professional investors in the Baltics and European Economic Area (“EEA”). The bonds are expected to be listed on the regulated market – the official bond list (the Baltic Bond List) of AS Nasdaq Riga.
More detailed information will be provided following the approval of the prospectus or if further disclosure is deemed appropriate in accordance with the applicable laws.
About the Citadele Group
Citadele’s, rated Baa2 (positive) by Moody’s, mission is to modernise the financial industry and offer more opportunities to private individuals and businesses throughout the Baltics. In H1 2024, Citadele issued EUR 621 million in new loans, with its total loan portfolio reaching EUR 3.0 billion, while total deposits reached EUR 3.7 billion. Alongside a modern universal banking platform, Citadele offers its clients a range of services based on next-generation financial technology, including its modern app, contactless payments and instant payments. Citadele Bank is the Group’s parent company in Latvia, and its subsidiaries and branches operate in Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia.
Ilona Frīdmane
Head of Investor Relations and ESG
Phone: +371 29483327