Environmental management company CleanR SIA plans to expand its scope of activity by adding medical and hazardous waste management to municipal waste management, said Valerijs Stankevičs, Chairman of the Board of CleanR.
Expansion is planned to start with the acquisition of the healthcare and hazardous waste management business of the waste management company Lautus SIA, as well as the vacuum pumping and sanitation services segment.
"The management of medical and hazardous waste management is an important process in the context of both health and environmental protection. It ensures safe collection, treatment and disposal of waste generated by healthcare facilities, as well as collection of unusable medicines and other hazardous waste, such as mercury thermometers, from the public during campaigns," says Stankevičs.
Pursuant to the Cabinet of Ministers Regulation of September 29 year 2008 No 800 "Procedure for Submission and Examination of Full and Abbreviated Reports on Mergers of Market Participants", CleanR SIA, having initiated the process of acquisition of the healthcare, hazardous and other waste business of Lautus SIA, will submit the transaction to the Competition Council for assessment.
"CleanR Grupa's waste management businesses currently offer municipal, biological, textile and other waste management, as well as construction and industrial waste management. Addition of healthcare and hazardous waste management will allow us to provide a full range of services. The addition of vacuum pumping and sanitation services to the waste management segment will diversify CleanR's services, expanding the range of services for individual and corporate customers as well as for municipalities," said Mr Gulbis, Chairman of the Board of CleanR Grupa AS.
"Another new service we will gain with the acquisition of Lautus SIA will be restoration of contaminated sites and the improvement of environmental quality or remediation, which we see as an important, tangible sustainability goal that we plan to realise in the future through this transaction," says Stankevičs.
Lautus SIA currently offers collection, transport, treatment and disposal of healthcare, hazardous and other waste. The other company, Lautus Vide SIA, which provides municipal waste management, retains its existing shareholding structure and is not being sold.
""Lautus" was the first company in Latvia to start managing such specific waste in the field of medical and hazardous waste management. By transferring the management of these types of waste to CleanR, we plan to strengthen the technical and technological capacity of the other company, Lautus Vide, which is a municipal waste manager, by increasing customer service and improving the company's operational processes, while at the same time maintaining competition in the municipal waste segment. The high quality of services will be maintained for the existing customers of Lautus Vide and the range of additional services will grow in the future," says Agris Marks, Member of the Board of Lautus and Lautus Vide.
About CleanR SIA
"CleanR is the leading municipal waste management company in Latvia with 80 years of experience and a wide range of innovative services. "CleanR is a Sustainability Index Platinum company, demonstrating best practice in risk and process management. "CleanR has been awarded the status of a family-friendly company, which confirms its concern for the well-being of its employees, the "Safest Company Fleet" award, and the "Green Excellence" environmental award. "CleanR is part of CleanR Grupa, a leading environmental services group in Latvia, whose companies provide municipal and industrial waste management, sorting and recycling of recycled materials, urban maintenance, commercial cleaning, etc. CleanR Grupa is a 100% Latvian-owned company, whose founder and Chairman of the Supervisory Board is Guntars Kokorevičs.