Q1 2024 results of SIA Banga Ltd
The turnover of Banga LTD increased by 13 % in Q1.
The turnover of the Company in Q1 2024 amounted to EUR 3 739 167, an increase of 13 % in comparison with the corresponding period in 2023.
“Launching new products, attracting new customers, and diversifying by region are key factors in increasing sales. The expansion of infrastructure and production capacity in previous periods, without doubt, is an important factor. The recognition of the Banga LTD brand in different regions is increasing and gives optimism for the future,” notes Raivis Veckāgans, Sales Director of Banga LTD.
About Banga LTD
Banga LTD is 100 % Latvian capital company that was established in 2007 in the fishing village Roja in the north western part of Latvia where its manufacturing operations are located, while its operations date back to 1947. The principal activity of the Company is canned seafood production.
The Company has a diversified revenue base, both geographically and by product, as it sells its products to more than 40 countries.
The Company holds the IFS (International Featured Standards), MSC (Marine Stewardship Council), and ASC (Aquaculture Stewardship Council) certifications and thus meets the requirements of international customers in terms of food and supply chain quality and safety.
Raivis Veckāgans raivis.veckagans@bangaltd.lv +371 29252286