APF Holdings, which includes one of the largest Baltic egg producers, SIA Alūksnes putnu ferma, invites to join the webinar introducing financial results of 6 months 2024, which will be published on August 20, and latest corporate news.
The webinar in English will be held on August 21 at 4:30 PM (EEST) (in Latvian 3:00 PM (EEST)).
The webinar will be hosted by Jurijs Adamovičs, group founder and Chairman of the Management Board and Mihails Keziks, CFO and Member of the Management Board.
Sign up for the webinar via the following link:
EN: https://nasdaq.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_yu1rjmyuQHOquXiRNKi-vA#/registration
LV: https://nasdaq.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_uK2ZM3ylTZy9XSz8mcmrZw
After filling in the application, attendees will receive a link to the webinar and instructions in their e-mail. When connecting to the Zoom webinar for the first time, you will be asked to download the app.
After the presentation, a question and answer session will take place. Attendees are welcome to send their questions until August 20 to the e-mail marta.muizniece@nasdaq.com or submit them through the registration link.
About APF Holdings:
APF Holdings (NASDAQ: EGG) is a dynamic group of companies engaged in poultry farming, chicken egg production and trading, as well as gas and organic fertilizer production related to poultry farming processes. Our portfolio includes SIA Alūksnes putnu ferma (poultry farming and egg production), SIA APF Trading (wholesale trade in chicken eggs), SIA Oluksne (providing poultry farming and egg production services), SIA APF Energy (gas and organic fertilizer production), and SIA Preiļu putni (poultry farming and young chicken rearing). Founded in 2017, APF Holdings has become a leading player in the Baltic region's poultry and egg industry.