Nasdaq Riga on November 8, 2016 will run state owned and VAS “Privatization Agency” held AS “Grindeks” and AS “Valmieras stikla šķiedra” share auctions. The amount of shares auctioned is accordingly 219 780 and 425 609 shares.
Auctions’ rules are available here.
Licensed bank or investment firm to which the status of Nasdaq Riga Member has been assigned can participate in both auctions. Members may submit their own orders and orders on behalf of their clients. The list of the Members is available here.
Auctions will be open and orders will be accepted on the auctions’ day November 8, 2016 from 09:00 EET until 13:00 EET (Latvian time). Order matching will take place at 15:30 EET (Latvian time) on the auctions’ day.
Securities are auctioned in euros. The tick size (the smallest allowed price movement) for share price in the order is EUR 0.01. The minimum price for AS “Grindeks” shares that can be entered in orders is EUR 3.78, but for AS “Valmieras stikla šķiedra” shares - EUR 2.73.
Settlement date is November 10, 2016.
It will be possible to observe online the orders submitted on the Exchange website On the auctions’ day in order to view full market depth click on the title of the share.
Nasdaq Baltic
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