The following decisions were adopted at the extraordinary general meeting of public limited liability company “Novaturas”, dated 28 September 2018:
- Announcement of the Interim Report of public limited liability company Novaturas for the period of six months ended on 30 June 2018:
- No decision regarding this matter has been taken.
- Approval of the set of audited interim financial statements of the Company for a period shorter than a financial year ended on 30 June 2018:
- To approve the set of interim financial statements of public limited liability company Novaturas for the period of six months ended on 30 June 2018 audited by UAB DELOITTE LIETUVA, the Company’s auditor.
- The allocation of dividends for shareholders of public limited liability company Novaturas for a period shorter than a financial year ended on 30 June 2018:
- Taking into account the information received by public limited liability company “Novaturas” about the potential difficulties of one of the suppliers of public limited liability company “Novaturas”, and the necessity to create financial buffer for management of this possible situation, to allocate smaller dividends for shareholders of public limited liability company “Novaturas” in the amount of EUR 0.52 per share of public limited liability company “Novaturas” for the period of six months ended on 30 June 2018 and to postpone the decision of the question regarding payment of the remaining part of dividends until the situation with the supplier of public limited liability company “Novaturas” clarifies.
- Election of the auditor for the performance of the audit of the set of annual financial statements of the Company group and determination of the conditions of audit services for the period of 2018–2019:
To elect audit firm UAB DELOITTE LIETUVA for the performance of audit of annual financial statements of the Company group for 2018 and 2019 and to determine that the payment for the performance of the services of the Company’s audit will be no more than EUR 85,000, the VAT excl., for 2018 and no more than EUR 95,000, the VAT excl., for 2019.
AB “Novaturas” once again reminds that the right to receive the allocated interim dividends will only be vested with those persons who will be shareholders of the company at the end of the record date of the shareholders’ rights, i.e. at the end of 12 October 2018, and dividend will be paid to such persons in accordance with paragraph 5 of Article 60 of the Law on Companies of the Republic of Lithuania, i.e. within 1 (one) month from the day of the adoption of the decision on the allocation of dividends.
The person authorized to provide additional information:
Finance Director
Tomas Staškūnas,
+370 687 10426