AB "Utenos trikotažas" (hereinafter, the "Company") received notification regarding transactions concluded by persons discharging managerial responsibilities in the Company and persons closely associated with them. The option transactions with Mrs Dovile Tamoševičienė, the Chairperson of the Management Board, and her spouse, Mrs Lina Skačkovienė, the Director of the Production Department and her spouse, as well as Mrs Nomeda Kaučikienė, the General Manager and her spouse, were concluded. All option participants have acquired option right to purchase the shares of the Company in future upon reaching agreed objectives, in total for all option participants up to 10 per cent of the shares in the Company (see the enclosed annexes).
For more information please contact Aurimas Likus.
Phone No. +370 618 07809
Email: utenos.trikotazas@ut.lt, info@utenostrikotazas.lt