The management board of Liven AS (the Group) has prepared the consolidated audited annual report for 2024, the supervisory board of the Group has approved it and decided to submit it to the annual general meeting of shareholders for approval. There are no differences in the financial results compared to the unaudited interim report published on 30 January. The audited annual report of the Group for the year 2024 is attached to this announcement and will be made available on the website of Liven AS at
The year 2024 was characterised by an improving but still challenging economic environment. During the year, the Group started construction of over 180 new units, signed 129 new contracts under the law of obligation and 92 real right contracts. The Group's consolidated audited revenue for the year 2024 was EUR 27.3 million, operating profit EUR 1.3 million and net profit EUR 0.6 million. As at 31 December 2024, the Group’s consolidated audited assets amounted to EUR 78.3 million and equity to EUR 18.2 million.
Joonas Joost
Liven AS CFO