According to the information document of JSC "Integre Trans" (hereinafter - the Company) dated of 7 February, 2024 supplemented and amended version (ISIN LT0000407553), the Company committed to regularly provide information to investors, including within 5 months from the end of the reporting year, to provide the audited consolidated financial statements of the group of companies managed by the Company (hereinafter - the Group).
With this notice, the Company informs the investors that on 16 May after publishing the information about the Company's intention to initiate the Company's restructuring, the assumptions used in preparing the financial statements have fundamentally changed. Since these assumptions were disclosed to the Group's auditors in on 16 May 2024, the condition of uncertainty and the lack of certain information led to the suspension of the unfinished audit. Audit of the consolidated financial statements of the group has not been completed as of 31 May.
Having made the decision to initiate the restructuring process of the Company, the Company continues its core activities. However, at the same time, the Company thoroughly and responsibly assesses the impact the restructuring process could have on the Company's future operations and ability to cover its obligations, taking into account the possible help of creditors to overcome financial difficulties, applicable economic, technical, organizational and other measures as well as other important circumstances. The Company states that the assessment of the specified circumstances requires additional time, especially considering the fact that the Company is currently operating under conditions of uncertainty and due to these conditions, the completion of the audit of the Group's consolidated statements must be postponed.
The Chief Executive Officer Žana Kel