Reykjavík, Nov. 26, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Hágæða-gullfundur úr fyrstu rannsóknarborunum í Nanoq með allt að 123 g/t yfir 0,5 metra
Amaroq Minerals Ltd. (AIM, TSXV, NASDAQ Iceland: AMRQ) tilkynnir niðurstöður úr vel heppnuðum rannsóknarborunum í Nanoq leyfinu, sem staðsett er á Nanortalik gullbeltinu í Suður-Grænlandi. Boranir þessa árs, sem eru jafnframt þær fyrstu sem félagið hefur framkvæmt í Nanoq, skiluðu sterkum niðurstöðum með háum styrkleika gulls, sem undirstrikar mikla möguleika leyfisins ásamt því að styrkja stöðu Amaroq enn frekar á þessu efnilega gullleitarsvæði.
Borunarverkefni þessa árs fólst í tveimur borholum sem boruðu samtals 133,1 metra í jörðu. Borholurnar voru staðsettar á ákveðinn hátt til að renna stoðum undir jarðfræðilíkan Amaroq af svæðinu sem og að staðfesta magn málms í jörðu. Borholukjarninn fór í gegnum þrjú lög af háum styrkleika gulls í kvars-æðum, meðal annars með talsvert af sýnilegum gullögnum.
Helstu atriði
Eldur Olafsson, forstjóri Amaroq:
“Þessar niðurstöður marka mikilvægan áfanga í rannsóknum okkar í Grænlandi og staðfestir mikla möguleika Nanoq sem gullvinnslusvæðis og styður við skilning okkar á Nanortalik gullbeltinu. Hið sýnilega gull sem við sjáum í kjarnanum frá Nanoq er í ætt við þann háa styrkleika gulls sem við þekkjum úr Nalunaq, og undirstrikar möguleika þess að finna gull í magni sem telja má í milljónum únsa.
Við horfum nú til þess að útvíkka rannsóknir okkar á svæðinu sem og að kanna hagkvæmni þess að flytja efni frá Nanoq til áframhaldandi vinnslu í nýreistu vinnsluhúsi okkar í Nalunaq. Sú aðgerð getur bæði í senn staðfest mikla möguleika og efnahagslegar forsendur Nanoq sem og komið okkur í þá stöðu að auka framleiðslu og fjárstreymi með því að nýta og stækka vinnslugetu núverandi innviða okkar.”
James Gilbertson, jarðfræðingur og yfirmaður rannsókna hjá Amaroq:
“Þessar fyrstu rannsóknarboranir í Nanoq hafa rennt stoðum undir jarðfræðilega tilgátu okkar um svæðið og gefið sterkar vísbendingar um tilvist kerfis sem búið getur yfir miklu magni gulls. Við erum bjartsýn um möguleika Nanoq og hlökkum til að útvíkka rannsóknir okkar á næsta ári í þeim tilgangi að auka skilning okkar á auðlindinni.”
Nanoq Project Background
The Nanoq Project is in Southeast Greenland, along the Nanortalik Gold Belt, which is known for its exceptional geological potential. Positioned 120 km northeast of the Nalunaq Mine, the project benefits from a prime location within a regional shear system favourable for gold mineralization. This folded volcano-sedimentary environment, first identified by GEUS and Goldcorp in the 1990s, hosts outcropping gold and copper within a sheared quartz vein body, which Amaroq rediscovered in 2021. Through geological surveys and airborne geophysics, Amaroq has since identified promising indications of gold mineralization.
Work conducted by Amaroq to Date
Amaroq’s exploration at Nanoq has involved a phased approach:
Collectively, Amaroq’s exploration work at Nanoq has demonstrated promising gold potential and set the stage for further drilling and exploration initiatives aimed at defining future mineral resources.
Summary of 2024 Drilling
This year's successful campaign, aided by an on-site accommodation vessel and a newly acquired drill rig, encompassed 133.1 meters across two holes, NAN2401 (51.1m) and NAN2402 (82m). The drilling targeted high-priority zones within a SW-NE oriented shear zone, SZ1, with both quartz veining and coarse visible gold confirmed. This drilling confirms that gold mineralisation is hosted both in the quartz vein material and the surrounding alteration, with initial targets of around 3m.
The outcropping northwestern limb of the mineralized shear system was also sampled, bolstering the exploration data set for future campaigns.
Table 1: 2024 Scout Drilling Coordinates
Hole ID | X | Y | Z | Azimuth | Dip | Total Depth (m) |
NAN2401 | 597909 | 6774507 | 432.3 | 140 | -45 | 51.1 |
NAN2402 | 597909 | 6774507 | 432.3 | 130 | -67 | 82 |
Table 2: Significant Intersection
Hole ID | From (m) | To (m) | Interval (m) | True Thickness (m)# | Au (g/t) |
NAN2401 | 8 | 9.5 | 1.5 | 1.30 | 18.10 |
Including | 0.5 | 0.43 | 44.20 | ||
NAN2401 | 33.7 | 36.9 | 3.2 | 3.01 | 19.51 |
Including | 0.5 | 0.47 | 123.00 | ||
NAN2402* | 12.55 | 14.75 | 2.2 | 1.10 | 4.61 |
Including | 1.1 | 0.55 | 7.23 | ||
NAN2402* | 21.3 | 24.32 | 3.02 | 1.51 | 1.87 |
*provisional results; still under review – awaiting some re-assay results
# True thickness estimated to be 50-95% of apparent thickness
Assay results further provide evidence that the mineralisation is clean with very low arsenic and other deleterious elements.
Future Plans
With these encouraging results, Amaroq is preparing for a comprehensive 2025 drilling program to further evaluate Nanoq’s potential and work towards delineating a Mineral Resource. The Company is also exploring the feasibility of bulk sampling and processing at the Nalunaq facility in 2026/27, which could offer additional insight into Nanoq’s high-grade potential and economic viability.
Sampling and QAQC Disclosure
Drill core was cut in half using a diamond blade core saw. Cut lines were consistently drawn along the core foliation axis and the right-hand side of the core was sampled. All drill core samples were placed into thick polymer bags with a sample ticket. All samples were prepared at ALS Geochemistry’s containerised preparation laboratory on-site at Nalunaq, before being packaged and sent to an accredited laboratory, ALS Geochemistry, Loughrea, Ireland, for analysis.
Sample preparation scheme PREP-31BY was used on all samples. This involves crushing to 70% under 2 mm, rotary split off 1 kg, and pulverizing the split to better than 85% passing 75 microns. Samples were then analysed by 50 g fire assay with method Au-AA26 which has a detection limit of 0.01 ppm Au. Samples containing visible gold and samples considered to be the Main Vein were assayed with screen-metallics fire assay technique Au-SCR24 which has a detection limit of 0.05 ppm Au. This involves screening 1 kg of pulverised sample to 106 microns followed by a gravimetric assay of the entire plus fraction and a duplicate 50 g AAS assay of the minus fraction.
Amaroq’s QA/QC program consists of the systematic insertion of certified reference materials of known gold content, blanks, and quarter core field duplicates at a rate of 1 in 20 or 5% per QA/QC type. In addition, ALS insert blanks and standards into the analytical process.
Amaroq Minerals Ltd.
Eldur Olafsson, Executive Director and CEO
Eddie Wyvill, Corporate Development
+44 (0)7713 126727
Panmure Liberum Limited (Nominated Adviser and Corporate Broker)
Scott Mathieson
Nikhil Varghese
Kieron Hodgson
+44 (0) 20 7886 2500
Canaccord Genuity Limited (Corporate Broker)
James Asensio
Harry Rees
Tel: +44 (0) 20 7523 8000
Camarco (Financial PR)
Billy Clegg
Elfie Kent
Fergus Young
+44 (0) 20 3757 4980
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Further Information:
About Amaroq Minerals
Amaroq Minerals' principal business objectives are the identification, acquisition, exploration, and development of gold and strategic metal properties in South Greenland. The Company's principal asset is a 100% interest in the past producing Nalunaq Gold mine which is due to go into production towards the end of 2024. The Company has a portfolio of gold and strategic metal assets in Southern Greenland covering the two known gold belts in the region as well as advanced exploration projects at Stendalen and the Sava Copper Belt exploring for Strategic metals such as Copper, Nickel, Rare Earths and other minerals. Amaroq Minerals is continued under the Business Corporations Act (Ontario) and wholly owns Nalunaq A/S, incorporated under the Greenland Public Companies Act.
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This announcement contains inside information for the purposes of Article 7 of the UK version of Regulation (EU) No. 596/2014 on Market Abuse ("UK MAR"), as it forms part of UK domestic law by virtue of the European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018, and Regulation (EU) No. 596/2014 on Market Abuse ("EU MAR").
Qualified Person Statement
The technical information presented in this press release has been approved by James Gilbertson CGeol, VP Exploration for Amaroq Minerals and a Chartered Geologist with the Geological Society of London, and as such a Qualified Person as defined by NI 43-101.