English Estonian
Published: 2024-05-03 08:00:00 CEST
Tallink Grupp
Corporate Action

AS Tallink Grupp Statistics for April 2024

In April 2024, AS Tallink Grupp transported 398,508 passengers, which is a 16.7% decrease compared to April 2023. The number of cargo units increased by 18.9% compared to the same period a year ago and was 33,228 units. The number of passenger vehicles decreased by 19.7% to 54,380 vehicles in the same comparison. The year-on-year change in the volume of passengers and vehicles transported should be evaluated taking into account the impact of Easter holidays, which in 2023 were in April.

AS Tallink Grupp passenger, cargo unit and passenger vehicles numbers for April 2024 were the following:

  April 2024 April 2023 Change
Passengers 398,508 478,316 -16.7%
Finland - Sweden 95,166 143,002 -33.5%
Estonia - Finland 256,978 280,806 -8.5%
Estonia - Sweden 46,364 54,508 -14.9%
Cargo Units 33,228 27,943 18.9%
Finland - Sweden 4,200 3,174 32.3%
Estonia - Finland 25,348 20,256 25.1%
Estonia - Sweden 3,680 4,513 -18.5%
Passenger Vehicles 54,380 67,701 -19.7%
Finland - Sweden 3,469 5,073 -31.6%
Estonia - Finland 49,223 60,478 -18.6%
Estonia - Sweden 1,688 2,150 -21.5%



The April Finland-Sweden results reflect the operation of the Helsinki-Stockholm and Turku-Stockholm routes.

The April Estonia-Finland results reflect operations of the shuttle services of MyStar and Megastar as well as the operation of the cruise ferry Victoria I that started operating the cruise service from 12 October 2023. The shuttle vessel Star stopped operating the route in May 2023 due to long-term charter agreement.

The April Estonia-Sweden results reflect the operations of the Tallinn-Stockholm and the Paldiski-Kapellskär routes by one cruise ferry and two cargo vessels.

Anneli Simm
Investor Relations Manager

AS Tallink Grupp
Sadama 5
10111 Tallinn
E-mail Anneli.simm@tallink.ee


2024 04 ENG.pdf