English Latvian
Published: 2023-08-02 13:11:22 CEST
Augstsprieguma tīkls
Inside information

Baltic transmission system operators sign an agreement to ensure readiness for synchronization with continental Europe in February 2025

Estonian, Latvian and Lithuanian electricity transmission system operators Elering, Augstsprieguma tīkls (AST) and Litgrid  signed an agreement on August 1 to ensure readiness for synchronization with the continental European network in February 2025.

The agreement establishes a plan agreed between the operators on the steps to be taken to ensure the readiness of the Baltic energy system for accelerated synchronization with the continental European energy system, which is essential for ensuring the safe operation of energy systems in the region. The agreement also stipulates that the Baltic states will announce their withdrawal from the BRELL agreement concluded with Russian and Belarusian operators in the summer of 2024, half a year before the end of the agreement and the planned accelerated synchronization. In the coming days the Prime <inisters of the Baltic states will endorse the agreement concluded between the Baltic transmission system operators (TSO).

"AST assesses this as an important step for common progress towards our strategic goal - to become part of the unified European system. While working on the accelerated synchronization implementation plan, both the technical readiness of the operators of the Baltic system and successful cooperation with European partners will be essential. Also, the work on further strengthening of the infrastructure will continue even after the accelerated synchronization and related cost optimization," says Gatis Junghāns, member of the AST board.

By the time of the planned acceleration of synchronization, the most essential infrastructure elements in the Baltic electricity system, which are necessary for the safe operation of the system, will be implemented, including the reconstruction of the Latvian-Estonian interconnection. The other projects will be implemented sequentially after synchronization.

This year, operators of the electricity transmission system of the Baltic States and the Gdańsk branch of the Polish Energy Institute conducted studies on the possibility of synchronization earlier than the previously set deadline of the end of 2025. Research results show that at the beginning of 2025, the electricity transmission systems of Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia will be ready to safely disconnect from the Russian-controlled system and synchronize with continental Europe.

You can familiarize yourself with the description of the Synchronization project on the AST website: https://www.ast.lv/en/projects/synchronisation-europe .


About JSC "Augstsprieguma tīkls"

AST is the operator of the Latvian electricity transmission system, which ensures continuous, safe and sustainably efficient electricity transmission throughout Latvia. Its vision is to become the region's leading transmission system operator that promptly and successfully implements development-oriented changes. AST owns 68.46% of the capital of JSC "Conexus Baltic Grid", the operator of the natural gas transmission and storage system


More information:

Elina Grivane

Head of Communications

Tel. +371 27060306

E-mail: elina.grivane@ast.lv