The Board of AS Amber Latvijas balzams, registration number: 40003031873, legal address: Aleksandra Čaka Street 160, Riga, LV-1012, Latvia, (hereafter – the Company) calls up and announces that Annual General Meeting of Shareholders of the Company will take place on 27July 2023 at 14:00 at the premises of the Company at Aleksandra Caka Street 160, Riga, LV-1012, Latvia and using electronic means of communication.
The Management Board of the Company will provide the shareholders with the possibility to vote before the meeting and to connect to the meeting remotely, without physical attendance.
The record date for participation at the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders of the Company is 19 July 2023. Only those persons who are shareholders on the record date with the amount of the shares they own on the record date have rights to participate at the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders of the Company to be held on 27July 2023.
Voting prior the shareholders meeting
We encourage all shareholders to attend the meeting in a written remote mode, by filling in a voting form which is available by e-mail upon request (by sending the request from 13 July 2023 to the e-mail: The voting form is also available on the website of the Company page For Investors, on website of the central storage of regulated information, and website of joint stock company Nasdaq Riga .
We kindly ask completed voting form to be sent to:
Shareholders have right to participate in the meeting (including filling and submitting the voting form) in person or by mediation of their legal representatives or authorized persons. The authorized person should attach to the voting form the power of attorney or present it in the presence, legal representatives of foreign legal persons should attach to the voting form the document proofing representation rights or present it in the presence. The form of a written power of attorney is also available on website the Company page For Investors, on website of the central storage of regulated information and website of joint stock company Nasdaq Riga
A shareholder who has voted prior to the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders may request the Company to confirm receipt of the voting form. The Company shall send the shareholder confirmation without delay after receiving the shareholder's voting form.
All duly completed voting forms received by the Company till 26 July 2023 will be taken into account.
Shareholders meeting
In order to register for participation in the shareholders’ meeting, a shareholder shall submit an application which is available by e-mail upon request (by sending the request from 13 July 2023 to the e-mail: and attach to it copy of his/her/proxy passport or personal identification card. The application is also available on the website of the Company page For Investors, on website of the central storage of regulated information, and website of joint stock company Nasdaq Riga -
We kindly ask the completed application with attached copy of passport or personal identification card to be sent to:
Shareholders shall be registered for the participation in the meeting if they duly apply for participation until 21July 2023, 14:P00 PM. Shareholders will receive access information to the online meeting via e-mail indicated in the application form. Before the meeting, the Board of the Company will carry out the identification of the shareholder based on submitted copy of passport or personal identification card, comparing it with original of the document shown by the shareholder or the representative. Voting during the meeting will be possible by electronic means of communication using Microsoft Teams online solution.
The registration of shareholders who have applied for participation in the meeting in a presence will take place on the day of the shareholders’ meeting on 27July 2023 from 13:00 to 13:45 at the meeting venue.
Shareholders rights
Within 5 (five) days after the notification is received or within 7 (seven) days after the notification about the convocation of shareholders’ meeting is released, shareholders representing at least 1/20 of the Company’s share capital have rights to require the institution, which convenes the shareholders’ meeting, to include additional items in the agenda of the meeting. The additional issues of the agenda together with the draft resolutions on the issues, or an explanation on the issues where no resolution is planned for adoption, shall be submit to the Management Board of the Company.
Shareholders have rights to submit draft resolutions on the issues included in the agenda of the shareholders’ meeting within 7 (seven) days after the notification about convocation of shareholders’ meeting is released. Shareholders have rights to submit draft resolutions on the issues included in the agenda of the shareholders’ meeting during the meeting, if all the draft resolutions submitted to the shareholders’ meeting have been reviewed and rejected.
If a shareholder submits a written requisition to the Board at least 7 (seven) days before the shareholders’ meeting, the Board shall give the required information on the issues included in the agenda at least 3 (three) days before the meeting. Upon request of shareholders, the Board shall provide to the shareholders’ meeting information about the company’s economic situation to such an extent as necessary to objectively review and adopt a resolution on the respective issue on the agenda.
Shareholders of the Company can get acquainted with the Company’s Annual report, the board proposal on profit distribution and the draft decisions as well as receive additional information and give their suggestions and ask questions on the Agenda starting from 13 July 2023 (with Company’s Annual report and the board proposal on profit distribution from 27 June) till 26 July 2023 on working days in an electronic way only by sending request to the e-mail:
Information on the shareholders’ meeting and shareholders rights is also available on the website of the Company page For Investors, on website of the central storage of regulated information and website of joint stock company Nasdaq Riga -
The total amount of shares and total amount of the shares with voting rights of the company is 7 496 900.
The Board of the Joint Stock Company “Amber Latvijas balzams”