This year, the leading tour operator in the Baltic States “Novaturas” was enlisted between TOP 20 best rated investor relations companies on Nasdaq Baltic Market. This rating was achieved at the traditional market participants' awards “Nasdaq Baltic Market Awards 2021”. The Company reached the 18th place among the best investor relations companies in the Baltic market and the 6th place in the Lithuanian market.
“Nasdaq Baltic Awards 2021” traditionally honors companies with the best investor relations and the best shareholder return. A couple of years ago, during these awards, we have achieved “Stock Exchange Event of the Year” award for our debut on the official Baltic trading list. This year, we have significantly topped the rankings of best investor relations companies. 2020 has been extremely challenging for us but we have always been honest and transparent in communicating our financial and performance results, reporting all the significant events to investors community, our partners, and travelers. Therefore, we appreciate this well-deserved jump in the ratings of listed companies”, says Audronė Keinytė, head of “Novaturas” Group.
The evaluation of Nasdaq Baltic market’s listed companies and exchange members is performed by local and international experts in capital markets, corporate governance, and investor relations. During the award ceremony in 2019, AB “Novaturas” reached the 29th place among the best investor relations companies in the Baltic market and the 14th place in the Lithuanian market.
About “Novaturas” Group
AB “Novaturas” Group is the largest tour operator in the Baltic States, offering summer and winter package holidays in more than 30 destinations worldwide and more than 100 sightseeing routes. In 2019, the group served more than 293 thousand customers.
Tomas Staškūnas,
+370 687 10426