Kvika banki hf.: Kvika issues bonds in SEK and NOKKvika has today concluded a sale of SEK 500 million and NOK 250 million floating rate bonds. The SEK bonds are green bonds, have a 3-year maturity and were priced at a spread of 400 bps over 3-month STIBOR. The SEK bonds are the first green issuance of an Icelandic bank in Swedish krona. The NOK bonds are a tap of an outstanding issuance that was issued in May 2023. Following the tap, the total nominal amount issued will be NOK 800 million. The bonds, which have a maturity in May 2026, were sold at a price equivalent to a 380 bps spread over NIBOR. The bonds will be issued under the bank’s Euro Medium Term Note (EMTN) Programme and are expected to be admitted to trading on Euronext Dublin on 23 November 2023. Concurrently with the sale of the above-mentioned bonds, Kvika offered to buy back bonds issued by the bank in SEK with a maturity date of January 31, 2024. Dealers on the transaction are Nordea and Swedbank. For further information please contact Kvika’s investor relations at ir@kvika.is or via tel. (+354) 540 3200.