AS Tallink Grupp resolutions of the Annual General Meeting of 13th of June 2017
80 shareholders were registered as attending at the Annual General Meeting, who owned 530 290 789 shares (the amount of represented sharecapital EUR 286 357 026.06), forming 79.16% of AS Tallink Grupp share capital.
Resolutions adopted at the meeting:
1. Approval of the Annual Report of AS Tallink Grupp
To approve the Annual Report of 2016 of AS Tallink Grupp presented by the Management Board.
Tabulation of votes:
In favor: 529 558 068 votes (99.86% of the represented votes)
Against: 0 votes (0.00% of the represented votes)
Impartial: 728 721 votes (0.14% of the represented votes)
Did not vote: 4 000 votes (0.00% of the represented votes)
2. Distribution of profits
1. To approve the net profit of the financial year of 2016 in the sum of EUR 44 104 000;
2. To allocate EUR 2 206 000 from the net profit to the mandatory legal reserve;
3. To pay dividends to the shareholders EUR 0.03 per share, in the total amount of EUR 20 096 000;
4. EUR 21 802 000 to be transferred to the retained earnings.
The list of the shareholders entitled to dividends shall be fixed as at 28 June 2017, 11:59 PM.
Dividends shall be paid to the shareholders by transfer to the bank account of the shareholders on 5 July 2017.
Tabulation of votes:
In favor: 530 282 252 votes (100% of the represented votes)
Against: 1 900 votes (0.00% of the represented votes)
Impartial: 2 637 votes (0.00% of the represented votes)
Did not vote: 4 000 votes (0.00% of the represented votes)
3. Extension of authorities of the member of the supervisory board
To extend authority of the supervisory board member Mr Enn Pant for the next statutory 3-years’ term of authority.
The work of the members of the supervisory board is remunerated pursuant to the resolution No 5 of 7.06.2012 of the annual general meeting.
Tabulation of votes:
In favor: 527 434 443 votes (99.46% of the represented votes)
Against: 2 848 985 votes (0.54% of the represented votes)
Impartial: 2 661 votes (0.00% of the represented votes)
Did not vote: 4 700 votes (0.00% of the represented votes)
4. Nomination of an auditor 2017 and the determination of the procedure of remuneration of an auditor
1. To appoint the company of auditors KPMG Baltics OÜ to conduct the audit of the financial year 2017.
2. The auditors shall be remunerated according to the audit contract to be concluded.
Tabulation of votes:
In favor: 519 601 588 votes (97.98% of the represented votes)
Against: 2 352 940 votes (0.44% of the represented votes)
Impartial: 8 316 521 votes (1.57% of the represented votes)
Did not vote: 19 740 votes (0.00% of the represented votes)