To facilitate this transition, APF will soon commission its own solar energy park, with an investment exceeding 240,000 euros. The park has a capacity of 250 kWp, consisting of 384 solar panels. Located on the poultry farm’s premises and currently operating in test mode, the solar park provides all the electricity needs for APF’s existing poultry houses during the summer months and approximately 25% of the company’s total annual electricity consumption. The project has been implemented in collaboration with SIA Ignitis Latvija.
“APF aims to become a fully circular economy-based company in the foreseeable future, producing eggs and egg products while ensuring animal welfare, responsibly using energy, and recycling waste from the production process. This approach is not only our moral stance but also a strategic decision that will enable APF to sell its products more successfully, given the increasing consumer focus on sustainability in production processes across Latvia, the Baltics, and Europe. While other producers are still considering how to adapt their legacy operations to new principles, APF has the market advantage of building its growth on modern, sustainable technology and approaches,” said Jurijs Adamovičs, Chairman of the Board of AS APF Holdings.
Additionally, APF has signed an electricity supply agreement with SIA Ignitis Latvija, which stipulates that APF will purchase only electricity generated from renewable resources. To certify this, the company has been awarded the “Green Energy” certificate.
“The collaboration with APF Holdings is special because it clearly demonstrates that renewable energy plays a crucial role not only in providing electricity but also in highlighting the importance of sustainability in a company’s reputation. Fully 'green' energy in the production process will allow APF Holdings to stand out in the food market, and our cooperation proves that sustainability strategies have a solid business dimension, driven by consumer demand in Latvia and elsewhere in Europe. I commend APF Holdings for their determination in realizing their sustainability ambitions, as in this case, we worked with people who, with clear determination, undertook extensive work and invested in implementing their 'green course',” said Kristaps Muzikants, CEO of Ignitis Latvija.
About APF Holdings:
APF Holdings (NASDAQ: EGG) is a dynamic group of companies engaged in poultry farming, chicken egg production and trading, as well as gas and organic fertilizer production related to poultry farming processes. Our portfolio includes SIA Alūksnes putnu ferma (poultry farming and egg production), SIA APF Trading (wholesale trade in chicken eggs), SIA Oluksne (providing poultry farming and egg production services), SIA APF Energy (gas and organic fertilizer production), and SIA Preiļu putni (poultry farming and young chicken rearing). Founded in 2017, APF Holdings has become a leading player in the Baltic region's poultry and egg industry