English Estonian
Published: 2023-03-31 09:00:00 CEST
Punktid Technologies
Interim information

Punktid Technologies AS consolidated six-month unaudited report

Management report

Punktid Technologies AS is a new generation computer game and gift card intermediary service provider, containing valuable content throughout the gaming sector.

The company provides all services under the Punktid brand and maintains a leading position in Estonia in the video game and gift card intermediary service market.


Punktid Technologies OÜ was established in February 2021, making it the parent company for HVK Business OÜ and Gamekeys OÜ (Punktid Group). In September 2021, Punktid Technologies OÜ was transformed into public limited company (Punktid Technologies AS).



The purpose of Punktid Technologies AS is to consolidate all the activities of the Punktid Group under one parent company and also involve investments.

Gamekeys OÜ, a subsidiary of Punktid Technologies AS, is engaged in the digital mediation of computer games and various gift cards through the Punktid platform. The product range includes various brands such as Sony, Xbox, Steam, Origin, Blizzard, Rockstar, Nintendo, etc.

The activities of HVK Business OÜ, a subsidiary of Punktid Technologies AS, are wholesale trade related to the sale of games and game codes, development of the Punktid platform, and to a minimal extent retail trade in the form of selling sugar-free drinks on the GGSUPSS.ee page.

In the second half of 2022, we implemented the involved investments to fulfil development and growth plans.

Punktid platform development (IT service investments in the second half of 2022 totaling €174,808, of which €125,069 was the development of the Punktid platform and €49,739 other IT costs; labor costs totaling €143,206) and increasing retail sales in local and foreign markets (advertising costs in the total amount in the second half of 2022 €102,165).

In addition, as part of being on the stock exchange, legal and consultation costs in the amount of €18,919 had to be paid.

In the second half of 2022, intangible fixed assets increased from €125,241 to €239,676, equity changed from €803,196 to €559,188.


Economic indicators

In the period of 01.07-31.12 of the 2022 interim report, the sales revenue was €761,879, which consists of HVK Business OÜ sales and Gamekeys OÜ commission, and compared to the same period od 2022, the increase is 53.5%.

Punktid Group’s main focus is to grow Gamekeys OÜ’s brokerage service turnover. In the second half of 2022, services were sold to retail consumers through the Punktid platform for €974,351, from which the company received a commission of €180,308, which is an 83% increase in the commission compared to the same period of the previous year.

The volume of retain and wholesale sales totaled €1,561,051 in the second half of 2022. The increase compared to the same period in 2021 is 18%.

Punktid Group’s loss of €244,132 for the second half of 2022 is largely due to costs related to advertising and IT services, inventory and team expansion. In the second half of 2022, Punktid Group did not have profit making as its main goal.



Punktid Group made significant investments in marketing costs, team and platform development in the second half of 2022.

In 2022, Punktid Technologies AS had the main goal of using the investment to implement a new platform and to hire additional labor for expansion.

No additional investments were included in the second half of 2022.


Macroeconomic overview

In Estonia as a whole, in 2022 there was continued pressure on wage growth due to the shortage of skilled labor in the information and communication technology sector, which is why we were forced to find several team members from outside Estonia. In addition, in the second half of 2022, there was a very large increase in inflation, which in turn negatively affected the consumption of the local market, but we were able to compensate for it with the growth of foreign markets.


Grounding financial risks

During the second half of 2022, no significant financial risks have appeared.


Seasonality of business

Punktid Group’s activity is slightly dependent on the season, when as a rule the fourth quarter has significantly better sales figures compared to the summer months (June, July and August).


Environmental and social impacts

Punktid Grupp's activities do not have a significant impact on the natural environment, but based on the company's responsible behaviour, Punktid Grupp operates in an energy-efficient manner. Since computers, office spaces and servers are one of the biggest sources of energy consumption, Punktid Group uses only LED lighting in its office, employees have significantly more environmentally friendly laptops instead of large desktop computers, and the servers are located in the Netherlands, where nearly 14% of the country's energy comes from renewable energy sources.¹ All the products we sell are digital, and the digital delivery method reduces the ecological footprint by over 95% compared to the amount of waste and pollution associated with the production, packaging and delivery of game disks.²

Key financial ratios

  31.12.2022 31.12.2021
Operating profit margin (operating profit / sales revenue) -0,32 -0,19
Short-term debt coverage ratio (current assets / short-term liabilities)  2,81  1,44
Assets to equity ratio (assets / equity)  1,27  1,66

1. https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/statistics-explained/index.php?title=Renewable_energy_statistics


Consolidated statement of financial position
(in Euros)

31.12.2022 31.12.2021 Lisa nr
Current assets      
Cash and cash equivalents 129 039 26 154  
Financial investments 0 199  
Receivables and prepayments 83 483 19 233 2
Inventories 198 732 114 316 3
Total current assets 411 254 159 902  
Non-current assets      
Property, plant and equipment 57 637 24 921 6
Intangible assets 239 676 98 603 7
Total non-current assets 297 313 123 524  
Total assets 708 567 283 426  
Liabilities and equity      
Current liabilities      
Loan liablities 3 087 45 506 8
Payables and prepayments 143 013 65 344 9
Total current liabilities 146 100 110 850  
Non-current liabilities      
Loan liablities 3 279 1 528 8
Total non-current liabilities 3 279 1 528  
Total liabilities 149 379 112 378  
Equity held by shareholders and partners in parent company      
Share capital 214 982 195 390 10
Share premium 983 260 134 151  
Own shares -1 -1  
Retained earnings (loss) -394 921 -61 617  
Annual period profit (loss) -244 132 -96 875  
Total equity held by shareholders and partners in parent company 559 188 171 048  
Total equity 559 188 171 048  
Total liabilities and equity 708 567 283 426  


Consolidated income statement
(in Euros)

Lisa nr
Revenue 761 879 496 121 11
Other income 1 801 512  
Work performed by entity and capitalised 7 045  
Raw materials and consumables used -628 913 -377 042 12
Other operating expenses -217 636 -116 184 13
Labor expense -143 206 -97 624 14
Depreciation and impairment loss -14 982 -7 312 6,7
Other expenses -2 551 -1 229  
Operating profit (loss) -243 608 -97 713  
Interest income 42 46  
Interest expenses -524 -1 296  
Other financial income and expenses -42 134  
Profit (loss) before tax -244 132 -96 875  
Annual period profit (loss) -244 132 -96 875  


Consolidated statement of cash flows
(in Euros)

  01.07.2022 31.12.2022 01.07.2021
Cash flows from operating activities    
Operating profit (loss) -243 608 -95 713
Depreciation and impairment loss (reversal) 14 982 7 312
Other adjustments 85 -4 863
Total adjustments 15 067 2 449
Changes in receivables and prepayments related to operating activities -61 550 -5 616
Changes in inventories -23 131 1 950
Changes in payables and prepayments related to operating activities 37 252 7 399
Total cash flows from operating activities -275 970 -89 531
Cash flows from investing activities    
Purchase of property, plant and equipment and intangible assets -179 693 -14 596
Received from sales of other financial investments 241 0
Received from loans given 0 2 556
Interest received 18 24
Total cash flows from investing activities -179 434 -12 016
Cash flows from financing activities    
Repayments of loans received -1 565 -17 937
Change in overdraft balance -3 500 -2 406
Repayments of finance lease liabilities -1 221 -4 545
Interest paid -524 -1 250
Received from the issue of shares 0 70 002
Paid for own shares -1
Total cash flows from financing activities -6 810 43 863
Total cash flows -462 214 -57 684
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period 591 313 83 774
Change in cash and cash equivalents -462 274 -57 620
The effect of changes in foreign exchange rates -60 -64
Cash and cash equivalents at end of period 129 039 26 154


Consolidated statement of changes in equity
(in Euros)

  Equity held by shareholders in parent company  
  Share capital Share premium  Own shares Retained earnings(loss) Total  
31.12.2021 195 390 134 151 -1 -158 492 171 048
Annual period profit (loss)  0 0 0 -236 429 -236 429
Issued share capital 776 063 0 0 776 063
Changes in ohter contributions from owners  19 592 73 046 0 0 92 638
30.06.2022 214 982 983 260 -1 -394 921 803 320
Annual period profit (loss) 0 0 0 -244 132 -244 132
31.12.2022 214 982 983 260 -1 -639 053 559 188


Contacts for additional information

Hannes Niid

Management Board Member of Punktid Technologies AS

E-mail: invest@punktid.com  

01. Konsolideeritud vahearuanne 2022 II poolaasta ENG.docx