On August 21, 2024 APF Holdings organized a webinar about financial results of 6 months 2024 and latest corporate news.
The information was presented by Jurijs Adamovičs, group founder and Chairman of the Management Board and Mihails Keziks, CFO and Member of the Management Board.
Given the significant increase in the import of products that do not meet European Union standards from third countries, the management of APF Holdings has adjusted the forecasts provided during the IPO.
It is projected that the number of eggs sold in 2024 will be 17% lower than initially forecasted, while in 2025, the decrease will be 7%. This, in turn, will affect the company's revenues, which are expected to decrease by 27% this year and by 13% next year. Additionally, EBITDA is expected to be 56% lower than forecasted in 2024 and 17% lower in 2025.
The recording of the webinar is available online: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U19kvLXLbMI&list=PLeOLX3TaNx_9beN29GiSABM4b-SRJEhJ2 and the presentation, demonstrated during the webinar, is available in the attachment.
About APF Holdings:
APF Holdings (NASDAQ: EGG) is a dynamic group of companies engaged in poultry farming, chicken egg production and trading, as well as gas and organic fertilizer production related to poultry farming processes. Our portfolio includes SIA Alūksnes putnu ferma (poultry farming and egg production), SIA APF Trading (wholesale trade in chicken eggs), SIA Oluksne (providing poultry farming and egg production services), SIA APF Energy (gas and organic fertilizer production), and SIA Preiļu putni (poultry farming and young chicken rearing). Founded in 2017, APF Holdings has become a leading player in the Baltic region's poultry and egg industry.