Novaturas Group turnover in 2019 December reached EUR 9.1 million and was 16% lower than at the corresponding time last year. The total January-December turnover reached EUR 179.8 million and was slightly (1%) lower than during the same time last year.
In December 2019 Novaturas Group served 11.2 thousand clients - 25 percent less than in the corresponding period last year. During January-December the company serviced 293,598 tourists. The number of clients was 4% lower than last year.
The company notes that the winter season is the least intense in the Baltic tourism market, with particularly low customer flows in December and January. In response to these trends, the company this year focuses on better sales, not on higher customer flows, during the lower intensity period. In other words, smaller volumes comparing with the same period of 2018 have been strategically planned before with a focus on better profitability.
The company remarks that business performance is positively influenced by changing customer habits to purchase holidays in advance. Having started early booking sales for the 2020 summer season (from 1st August 2019), the company recorded positive customer reactions and a significant increase in early bookings compared to last year which creates a solid base for the upcoming period.
Tomas Staškūnas
Mob. +370 687 10426