English Latvian
Published: 2024-10-16 18:00:04 CEST
Eco Baltia
Company Announcement

CORRECTION: Ecoservice, a Lithuanian company owned by Eco Baltia, sues Compensa for more than a year's delay in paying compensation

Correction: Editorial corrections have been made to the third paragraph of the announcement in English, which do not change the substance of the announcement.

Ecoservice, the Lithuanian environmental services company of Eco Baltia, the largest environmental resource management and recycling group in the Baltics has brought an action before the Riga City court demanding the insurance company Compensa Vienna Insurance Group ADB, Latvian branch, to fulfil its obligations and to pay out the insurance indemnity for the damage suffered by Ecoservice as a result of a fire. The fire that broke out on 5 August 2023 in the company's waste sorting centre caused widespread damage, destroying the buildings, the waste sorting equipment and part of the inventory.

Ecoservice's application submitted to the court states that the Latvian branch of Compensa unreasonably delays the decision on the insurance claim. More than a year after the accident, the insurance company not only does not take a decision on whether the accident should be declared insured, but also does not take a decision on whether to pay the full or partial indemnity.

In this claim, Ecoservice seeks a payment of €7.4 million in insurance indemnity and interest for late payment. The company is also finalising the calculation of the losses it suffered when it had to partially suspend its operations after the fire. This amount will be added to the claim when it becomes clear. This could increase the claimed amount to more than €10 million.

"The fire happened last year, but Compensa has not yet decided whether to recognise it as an insured event, even though the Department of Environmental Protection and the Department of Fire Protection and Rescue carried out investigations and established the essential circumstances, so the situation is more than clear. Despite our sorting centre being insured, Compensa's unreasonable delays have prevented us from restoring our previous operational capacity. This creates serious challenges because, despite the insurer's refusal to pay the insurance indemnity, our waste management obligations remained the same after the fire. We must fulfil our obligations, otherwise there could be serious environmental consequences”, comments Jurgita Nacevičienė, Manager of Ecoservice.

According to her, the company is currently forced to rebuild capacity with its own funds. This makes it more difficult to operate and hampers development, as it has to redirect part of its own working capital, as well as money planned for strategic business development projects. It is estimated that the ongoing reconstruction of the sorting centre will require a total of EUR 18 million.

Māris Simanovičs, chairman of the board of AS "Eco Baltia", points out that the stability of the company is based on timely decision-making: “Any changes can have a significant impact on the future development of the company, especially when it comes to restoring operations after an accident. In view of this, we take the firm decision to insure such risks in advance and expect insurers to honour their commitments. This was highlighted by the summer storms and subsequent floods which affected many people and businesses. Insurers must fulfil their obligations within the legal framework by paying compensation without undue delay, regardless of the amount."

Ecoservice has been waiting for more than a year for a decision from the insurer and cannot delay any longer. Especially since meetings with the insurer's representatives no longer allow for positive and constructive cooperation with Compensa.

As the insurance contract was concluded with Compensa’s branch in Latvia, after reaching an impasse in the negotiations with the insurer, Ecoservice filed the claim to the Riga City Court.


About Ecoservice:

Ecoservice is a Lithuanian environmental management company providing services such as collection, management and sorting of municipal, packaging, green, construction, demolition and bulky waste, as well as pavement, urban and road maintenance services.

The turnover of the group in 2023 was almost EUR 65 million. The company is 100% owned by Eco Baltia vide, part of the environmental and waste management group Eco Baltia AS.

About Eco Baltia

Eco Baltia is the largest environmental resource management Group in the Baltics by turnover, providing the full waste management cycle from waste collection and sorting to logistics, wholesale and recycling of secondary raw materials.

Eco Baltia closed 2023 with a record consolidated turnover of EUR 218.4 million, an increase of 4% compared to 2022. Eco Baltia's total consolidated revenue (pro forma) in 2023 amounted to EUR 242.5 million.

The Group employs more than 2,500 people in Latvia, Lithuania, Poland and the Czech Republic. Its leading companies are ITERUM AS (until June 6, 2024 - PET Baltija), Eco Baltia vide SIA, Latvijas Zaļais punkts SIA, Nordic Plast SIA, JUMIS SIA in Sigulda, TESIL Fibres in the Czech Republic, UAB Ecoservice in Lithuania and, from November 2023, Metal Plast in Poland.

"The shareholders of Eco Baltia are the private equity fund INVL Baltic Sea Growth Fund (52.81% through UAB BSGF Salvus), the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (30.51%) and Māris Simanovičs (15.93% through SIA Enrial Holdings and 0.75% through Penvi Investment Ltd).


         Additional information:
         Alise Zvaigzne
         Head of Public Relations
         Eco Baltia
         Phone +371 28780467