Published: 2023-06-06 17:36:06 CEST
Icelandair Group hf.
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Icelandair: Traffic Data May 2023

In May 2023, Icelandair’s passengers were 366 thousand, compared to 316 thousand in May last year, an increase of 16%. Capacity in May was 11% higher than last year.

Passengers on international flights were 343 thousand, compared to 291 thousand in May 2022, an increase of 18%. Thereof 41% were travelling to Iceland, 16% from Iceland and 42% were via passengers. On-time performance on international flights was 75%. On-time performance in May was impacted by unusual weather disruptions in Iceland. The load factor on international flights was 80.7%, an increase of 6.6 ppt year-on-year.

Passengers on domestic flights were 23 thousand, compared to 26 thousand in May last year. The load factor on domestic flights was 76.6% and on-time performance was 85%, improving significantly year on year. Capacity in the domestic network decreased between years in May, mainly due to weather related disruptions.

Freight measured in Freight Ton Kilometers increased by 34% driven by an increase in transit freight following the addition of two wide-body B767-300 freighter aircraft Sold block hours in the leasing operation increased by 26%.

Route NetworkMay 23May 22CHG (%)YTD 23YTD 22CHG (%)
Number of Passengers 366,129316,49916%1,326,291980,39135%
Load Factor80.7%74.2%6.5 ppt79.8%71.5%8.3 ppt
Available Seat KM (ASK´000,000)1,350.11,217.111%4,714.23,782.725%
Revenue Passenger KM (RPK´000,000)1,089.4902.521%3,761.52,705.739%
  To market (passengers)141,051115,29822%532,986413,04029%
  From market (passengers)56,19251,02310%246,231190,28229%
  Via market (passengers)145,777124,20317%438,770277,53858%
Number of Passengers 343,020290,52418%1,217,986880,86038%
Load Factor80.7%74.1%6.6 ppt79.8%71.5%8.4 ppt
Available Seat KM (ASK´000,000)1,341.41,207.711%4,673.23,747.425%
Revenue Passenger KM (RPK´000,000)1,082.7895.021%3,730.12,677.639%
Stage length (KM)3,1563,1082%3,0283,051-1%
On-Time-Performance (Arrivals)74.7%79.7%-5.1 ppt76.7%77.3%-0.5 ppt
Number of Passengers23,10925,975-11%108,30499,5319%
Load Factor76.6%79.9%-3.3 ppt76.3%79.8%-3.5 ppt
Available Seat KM (ASK´000,000)8.89.4-6%41.135.217%
On-Time-Performance (Arrivals)85%79%6.4 ppt84%71%13.0 ppt
Cargo & LeasingMay 23May 22CHG (%)YTD 23YTD 22CHG (%)
Sold Block Hours - Leasing1,3491,07226%6,2745,7339%
Freight Tonne KM (FTK´000)15,53311,56434%73,50258,85425%
CO2 EMISSIONSMay 23May 22CHG (%)YTD 23YTD 22CHG (%)
Total CO2 emissions tonnes 88,75185,2274%338,211282,62120%
CO2 emissions per OTK0.760.81-6%0.770.85-9%

Contact information
Investors: Iris Hulda Thorisdottir, Director Investor Relations. E-mail: iris@icelandair.is
Media: Asdis Petursdottir, Director Communications. E-mail: asdis@icelandair.is