Based on client request, Nasdaq Stockholm is planning to enhance the Maximum Order Value and Maximum Order Quantity checks within the Pre-Trade Risk Management service by introducing new Maximum Order Value and Maximum Order Quantity Checks specifically valid during auctions.
The new auction specific Maximum Order Value and Quantity checks are applied for orders sent during any auction phase, given a value for these checks is defined for a PRM account. In case the client has not defined separate auction specific Maximum Order Value and/or Maximum Order Quantity checks for the PRM account, the Maximum Order Value and Maximum Order Quantity checks for other trading phases will be applied also during the order book is in any auction phase.
The new auction specific Maximum Order Value and Maximum Order Quantity checks are now available in INET Test (NTF) and the planned production go-live date is June 17, 2024.
The introduction of the new auction specific checks has no impact to current Maximum Order Value and Quantity checks or to any other settings currently configured for client’s existing PRM accounts.
Clients wishing to enable the new Maximum Order Value in Auction and/or Maximum Order Quantity in Auction checks for their PRM accounts shall submit an updated INET Nordic PRM Request Form via Member Portal.
Protocol Specifications
Latest Nasdaq Nordic PRM Admin protocol specification is published on the INET Nordic Protocol Specifications webpage.
This change is reflected in the Nasdaq INET Nordic PRM Service Guide, available at the Nasdaq Pre-Trade Risk Management webpage.
Time schedule
For technical questions, please contact:
Nasdaq Cash Equity Operations
Tel: +46 8 405 6410
For member account configuration questions, please contact:
Nasdaq Member & Account Configuration
For further information regarding this IT-Notice, please contact:
Technical Relations
Ronny Thellman
Tel: +46 8 405 6313
Best regards,
Nasdaq Stockholm
Nasdaq Copenhagen, Nasdaq Helsinki, Nasdaq Iceland, Nasdaq Riga, Nasdaq Stockholm, Nasdaq Tallinn and Nasdaq Vilnius are respectively brand names for Nasdaq Copenhagen A/S, Nasdaq Helsinki Ltd, Nasdaq Iceland hf., Nasdaq Riga AS, Nasdaq Stockholm AB, Nasdaq Tallinn AS and AB Nasdaq Vilnius. Nasdaq Nordic represents the common offering by Nasdaq Copenhagen, Nasdaq Helsinki, Nasdaq Iceland and Nasdaq Stockholm. Nasdaq Baltic represents the common offering by Nasdaq Tallinn, Nasdaq Riga and Nasdaq Vilnius.