English Lithuanian
Published: 2024-04-08 09:02:31 CEST
East West Agro
Notification on material event

CORRECTION: Notice of the Convocation of the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders

Corrected accounting day of the rights to 15 May 2024

Kaunas, 2024-04-08 09:02 CEST --

AB East West Agro, a public limited liability company incorporated and existing under the laws of the Republic of Lithuania, legal entity code 300588407, with its registered office at Tikslo str. 10, Kumpių vil., Kaunas dist. municipality, Lithuania, company data collected and stored with the Register of Legal Entities of the Republic of Lithuania (the Company), hereby notifies of the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders of the Company (the Meeting) being convened on the initiative and by decision of the Management Board of the Company.
Date and time of the Meeting: 30 April 2024, 9 a.m.
Venue of the Meeting: registered office of the Company at Tikslo str. 10, Kumpių vil., Kaunas dist. municipality, Lithuania.
Start of shareholder registration: 30 April 2024, 8.30 a.m.
End of shareholders registration: 30 April 2024, 8.55 a.m.
Agenda of the Meeting:
1.            Organisational issues of the Meeting (election of the Chairman and Secretary of the Meeting);
2.            Approval of the annual report of the Company for the year 2023;
3.            Approval of the Company’s audited set of annual financial statements for the year 2023;
4.            Distribution of the Company’s profit (loss) for the year 2023;
5.            Election of the auditing firm responsible for the audit of the Company’s set of annual financial statements for the financial year ending on 31 December 2024.
Initiator of the Meeting: Management Board of the Company.
Accounting day of the shareholders of the Meeting: 23 April 2024 (the 5th business day before the date of the Meeting). Only the persons who are the shareholders of the Company at the end of the accounting day of the shareholders of the Meeting have the right to attend and vote at the Meeting.
Accounting day of the rights: 15 May 2024. Property rights shall be held by the persons, who will be shareholders of the Company at the end of the accounting day of the rights, i.e., at the end of the 10th business day following the Meeting that passed the respective decision.
A person attending the Meeting and entitled to vote shall present an identity document. A person who is not a shareholder shall in addition produce a document attesting to his/her/its right to vote at the Meeting.
The Company will not provide the possibility to attend and vote at the Meeting through electronic means of communication.
Shareholders holding shares that carry at least 1/20 of all votes shall have the right to propose supplementing the agenda of the Meeting. Each proposed additional agenda item shall be accompanied by a draft resolution of the Meeting on the proposed item, or, where no resolution needs to be adopted, clarification as to each proposed item of the Meeting shall be presented. Proposal for supplementing the agenda shall be in writing and shall be delivered to the Company by registered mail to its address at Tikslo str. 10, Kumpių vil., Kaunas dist. municipality, Lithuania, or by e-mail danas@ewa.lt. The agenda shall be supplemented if the proposal is received not later than 14 days before the Meeting.
Shareholders holding shares that carry at least 1/20 of all votes shall have the right to propose new draft resolutions on issues already included or to be included in the agenda of the Meeting, another audit company. The proposed draft resolutions shall be in writing and shall be delivered to the Company by registered mail to its address at Tikslo str. 10, Kumpių vil., Kaunas dist. municipality, Lithuania, or sent by e-mail danas@ewa.lt. The shareholders shall also be entitled to propose new draft resolutions on the items included in the agenda of the Meeting, another audit company in writing at any time prior to the Meeting or during the Meeting.
Shareholders have the right to submit to the Company questions concerning the agenda of the Meeting in advance. Questions may be submitted by e-mail danas@ewa.lt or delivered by registered mail to the Company’s address at Tikslo str. 10, Kumpių vil., Kaunas dist. municipality, Lithuania. The Company undertakes to respond if the questions are received at the Company not later than 3 business days before the Meeting. Responses of a general character will be posted on the Company’s website www.ewa.lt in the section called "For Investors". The Company will not respond personally to the shareholder if the respective information is available on the Company’s website.
Each shareholder has a right to authorize another person pursuant to the procedure established by laws to attend and vote on his/her/its behalf at the Meeting. An authorized person must present a proxy issued pursuant to the procedure established by laws. A proxy issued by an individual must be notarized. A proxy issued abroad must be translated into Lithuanian and legalized pursuant to the procedure established by laws. A shareholder entitled to participate in the Meeting shall also have the right to authorise, by means of electronic communications, a natural or legal person to attend and vote on his/her/its behalf at the Meeting. Such type of a proxy does not need to be certified by a notary. A proxy issued by means of electronic communications must be confirmed by the shareholder using a secure digital signature generated by secure signature generation equipment and supported by a qualified certificate valid in the Republic of Lithuania. A shareholder is required to notify the Company of a proxy issued by means of electronic communications and send such proxy by e-mail danas@ewa.lt not later than on the last business day preceding the Meeting. An authorised person shall have the same rights at the Meeting as if he were the shareholder represented by him, unless the proxy issued to the authorised person or legislative provisions provide for the rights of a proxy that are narrower in scope. The Company has not approved any proxy form for representing a shareholder at the Meeting.
A shareholder or his/her/its authorized person has a right to vote in advance in writing by filling a general ballot paper. A general ballot paper is available for download at the Company’s website www.ewa.lt in the section "For Investors". If a completed general ballot paper is signed by a person other than a shareholder, the document confirming his/her/its right to vote must be attached to the general ballot paper. A duly completed general ballot paper must be sent to the Company by registered mail (with a copy sent by e-mail danas@ewa.lt) or physically delivered to the Company at its address at Tikslo str. 10, Kumpių vil., Kaunas dist. municipality, Lithuania, not later than prior to the Meeting.
The total number of the Company’s shares amounts to 1,000,000. ISIN code of the Company’s shares is LT0000132060.
According to Article 54(7) of the Law on Companies of the Republic of Lithuania, having acquired its own shares, the Company may not exercise the property and non-property rights attached to the shares. On the date of this notice, the Company itself owns 25,568 ordinary registered book-entry shares in the Company.
All draft resolutions on the agenda items of the Meeting, documents and all other information to be submitted for the purposes of the Meeting shall be provided not later than 10 days before the Meeting and will be posted on the Company’s website www.ewa.lt in the section "For Investors". The shareholders will also be able to access to such information at the registered office of the Company at Tikslo str. 10, Kumpių vil., Kaunas dist. municipality, Lithuania, on business days from 9 a.m. till 4 p.m. Information is provided by telephone +370 37 262318.


         General manager
         Gediminas Kvietkauskas