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Published: 2024-03-22 10:15:24 CET
Punktid Technologies
Company Announcement

Punktid Technologies AS expands to the German market

Punktid Technologies AS is pleased to announce that we have opened the German market under the Punktid.de domain. To do this, we raised the necessary capital last summer: (https://view.news.eu.nasdaq.com/view?id=b6d1ba9626d13444c254e9a9d1e1c7dc8&lang=en)

Germany is the largest economy in Europe and this is also reflected in our sector (computer games, gift cards and other digital products). During the last two years, we have had a stable annual turnover of 20,000 - 30,000 EUR from Germany, and this in a situation where we did not have a German language page, customer support or local payment methods.

German market size and expected growth:

  • In 2022, the size of the German gaming market was estimated at 9.87 billion euros.1.
  • The gaming market is expected to reach a value of 13.79 billion euros by 2029.2

Profile of the main target audience::3

  • 58% of German residents play video games.
  • Players are 37 years old on average, men make up 52% of players and women 48%.
  • About six out of ten Germans play video games, showing the high popularity of games among the general population.

The opening of the German market was delayed last year by the failures related to the opening of the new platform and payment methods removed due to problems with the payment service provider (https://view.news.eu.nasdaq.com/view?id=b40985c4656be26f010ae63de7af4a53a&lang=en).
Therefore, we were forced to find and integrate a new payment service provider, which became Montonio Finance. Thanks to a new partner, we were also able to open a pan-European card payment option in March, including Google Pay and Apple Pay, which has already led to an increase in sales outside the Baltic market. In addition, we are also adding payment methods specialized for the German market.

The opening of the German market is also helped by Askly Chat, which offers real-time translations of our customer support, and in March also interfaced us with an AI (Artificial Intelligent) chat option, which has already independently solved several customer questions. This further helps to save human resources, as it does not require immediate readiness to answer in the chat, and in turn, AI immediate answering also improves the customer's experience with our service 4.

We consider a market opened when we have established a market-based domain, language, payment methods and customer support. Market-specific optimization will continue as ongoing work in the future.

Additional information:

Hannes Niid
Management Board Member of Punktid Technologies AS
E-mail: invest@punktid.com



1 https://www.game.de/en/publications/annualreport-2023/

2 https://www.statista.com/outlook/amo/media/games/germany?currency=EUR

3 https://www.game.de/en/publications/annualreport-2023/

4 https://www.ituudised.ee/uudised/2024/03/19/nimekas-e-pood-ai-juurutus-saastis-kahe-aastaga-klienditoe-kulu-75-vorra