Published: 2023-08-08 11:55:28 CEST
Longo Group
Interim information

Longo Group AS unaudited financial report for period ended 30 June 2023

Continuous development and improvement of processes and dedication of the team have led Longo to first half of year 2023 revenue of EUR 23.7 million, which is 9,4% up compared to the same period in 2022. 

First half of the year can be marked as a period of investment in the future of the Group- there have been significant changes and improvements in all areas of business. Most notably - improved processes in preparation center and redesigned marketing strategy of the Group, as well as increased focus on supplementary income channels.


Longo Group AS unaudited report for period ended 30 June 2023 is attached to the announcement and is also published on NASDAQ Riga and Longo’s web page https://www.longo.group/investors

         Edgars Cērps
         CEO and Co-founder
         Tel. +371 2867 0404

Longo-Report-Q2-23-final signed.pdf