English Estonian
Published: 2023-12-01 13:00:00 CET
Tallink Grupp
Corporate Action

AS Tallink Grupp: Managers' Transactions

Person subject to the notification requirement
Name: AS Infortar
Position: Closely associated person
(X) Legal person

Person Discharging Managerial Responsibilities in Issuer
Name: Hanschmidt, Ain
Position: Member of the Supervisory Board
Name: Pant, Eve
Position: Member of the Supervisory Board

Issuer: AS Tallink Grupp

Notification type: Initial Notification

Transaction date: 29.11.2023
Venue: Nasdaq OMX Tallinn
Instrument type: Share
ISIN: EE3100004466
Nature of the transaction: Acquisition

Transaction details:
(1): Volume: 51,727; Unit price: 0.68 EUR

Aggregated transactions:
(2): Volume: 51,727; Volume weighted average price: 0.68 EUR

Transaction date: 30.11.2023
Venue: Nasdaq OMX Tallinn
Instrument type: Share
ISIN: EE3100004466
Nature of the transaction: Acquisition

Transaction details:
(1): Volume: 130,000; Unit price: 0.6796 EUR
(2): Volume: 255,000; Unit price: 0.678 EUR

Aggregated transactions:
(2): Volume: 385,000; Volume weighted average price: 0.679 EUR

Anneli Simm
Investor Relations Manager

AS Tallink Grupp
Sadama 5
10111 Tallinn
E-mail Anneli.simm@tallink.ee