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Published: 2024-07-01 11:13:31 CEST
Punktid Technologies
Interim information

Punktid Technologies AS 2023 consolidated unaudited report

Board commentary

For the Punktid group, the goal for 2023 was to increase the business profit, which is why major investments were suspended by that time.

In the second half of 2023, Punktid Group achieved the previously set goals and reached a profit. The small loss of the annual report was caused by higher development costs in the first half of the year.

One of the goals for 2023 was to stabilize the volume of goods moving through the Punktid platform and to increase profits as much as possible in a declining economy. The total volume of goods sold on the platform (GMV - Gross Merchandise Value) was 1,269 thousand euros in 2023, and although the volume of goods sold decreased compared to 2022, it is a pleasure to see the goal fulfilled, because the company earned 241 thousand euros as a commission from the Punktid platform, which means it remained stable. Commision fee sales revenue increased by nearly 1% and 2 thousand euros.

In order to reach profit in the second half of the year, we limited ourselves to essential works, reduced costs, and reduced the focus on wholesale sales in order to keep the focus on the platform launched in the first half of the year - with the new platform, we added new options, functions, and made the environment more stable, which brought the desired results.

The volume of goods mediated by the Punktid platform and the commission margin have consistently increased over the past 4 years. If in 2020 the commission margin was 3%, by 2022 it had risen to 13%. In 2023, it improved further to 19%. As a rule, a higher margin in our sector is also proportional to the decreasing sales volume.

Our corrected forecast, which we published in the fall of 2023, was almost on schedule. The adjusted goal was 2.1 million euros, which includes 1.3 million platform merchandise turnover and 0.8 million euros wholesale turnover, and the real numbers were 1.27 and 0.7 million euros, respectively, or a total of 1.97 million euros.

The goal of Punktid Technologies AS is to continue to remain profitable and, as possible, to continue investing in order to expand into new markets.


We thank our investors for their trust and support.





Key financial ratios

  31.12.2023 31.12.2022
Sales revenue €939 288 €1 206 954
Gross profit €355 838 €210 224
Operating profit before depreciation (EBITDA) €31 819 €-452 826
Operating profit (EBIT) €-14 485 €-476 197
EBITDA margin (EBITDA/sales revenue) 3% -37.5%
Operating profit margin (operating profit / sales revenue) -2% -39.5%
Short-term debt coverage ratio (current assets / short-term liabilities)  3,02  2,82
Assets to equity ratio (assets / equity)  1,44  1,27
Return on equitly (ROE) -3% -86%
Return on Assets (ROA) -2% -68%


Consolidated statement of financial position
(in Euros)

31.12.2023 31.12.2022 Note nr
Current assets      
Cash and cash equivalents 18 1360 129 039  
Receivables and prepayments 31 740 83 483 2
Inventories 375 910 198 731 3
Total current assets 426 010 411 253  
Non-current assets      
Property, plant and equipment 43 342 57 636 6
Intangible assets 360 580 239 676 7
Total non-current assets 403 922 297 312  
Total assets 829 932 708 565  
Liabilities and equity      
Current liabilities      
Loan liablities 21 445 3 087 8
Payables and prepayments 119 572 142 977 9
Total current liabilities 141 017 146 064  
Non-current liabilities      
Loan liablities 113 812 3 279 8
Total non-current liabilities 113 812 3 279  
Total liabilities 254 829 149 343  
Equity held by shareholders and partners in parent company      
Issued capital 214 982 214 982 10
Share premium 1 019 437 983 260  
Own shares -1 -1  
Retained earnings (loss) -639 647 -158 493  
Annual period profit (loss) -19 668 -480 526  
Total equity held by shareholders and partners in parent company 575 103 559 222  
Total equity 575 103 559 222  
Total liabilities and equity 829 932 708 565  


Consolidated income statement
(in Euros)

    2023   2022 Note nr
Revenue 939 288 1 206 954 11
Other income 631 621  
Work performed by entity and capitalised 56 115 0  
Raw materials and consumables used -640 196 -997 351 12
Other operating expenses -174 945 -396 336 13
Employee expense -148 489 -265 334 14
Depreciation and impairment loss (reversal) -46 305 -23 371 6,7
Other expenses -584 -1 380  
Operating profit (loss) -14 485 -476 197  
Interest income 2 0  
Interest expenses -4 886 -4 206  
Other financial income and expenses -299 -123  
Profit (loss) before tax -19 668 -480 526  
Annual period profit (loss) -19 668 -480 526  
Profit (loss) from shareholders and partners in parent company -19 668 -480 526  


Consolidated statement of cash flows
(in Euros)

  2023 2022
Cash flows from operating activities    
Operating profit (loss) -14 485 -476 197
Depreciation and impairment loss (reversal) 46 305 23 371
Profit (loss) on sale of fixed assets -348 0
Other adjustments 414 0
Total adjustments 46 371 23 371
Changes in receivables and prepayments related to operating activities 51 743 -64 250
Changes in inventories -177 179 -84 415
Changes in payables and prepayments related to operating activities -28 159 78 191
Total cash flows from operating activities -121 709 -523 300
Cash flows from investing activities    
Purchase of property, plant and equipment and intangible assets -158 060 -195 953
Proceeds from sales of property, plant and equipment and intangible assets 7750 0
Other cash receipts from sales of other financial investments 0 241
Interest received 2 24
Total cash flows from investing activities -150 308 -195 688
Cash flows from financing activities    
Loans received 134 644 0
Repayments of loans received -18 360 -25 739
Proceeds from overdraft 15 000 -14 093
Repayments of finance lease liabilities -3 182 -2 600
Interest paid -2 641 -4 206
Proceeds from issuing shares 0 868 701
Proceeds from sales of treasury shares 36 177 0
Other cash outflows from financing activities -300 0
Total cash flows from financing activities 161 338 822 063
Total cash flows -110 679 103 075
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period 129 039 26 154
Change in cash and cash equivalents -110 679 103 075
The effect of changes in foreign exchange rates 0 -190
Cash and cash equivalents at end of period 18 360 129 039


Consolidated statement of changes in equity
(in Euros)

  Equity held by shareholders in parent company  
  Share capital Share premium  Own shares Retained earnings(loss) Total  
31.12.2021 195 390 134 151 -1 -158 492 171 047
Annual period profit (loss)  0 0 0 -480 526 -480 526
Issued share capital 19 592  849 109 0 0 868 701
31.12.2022 214 982 983 260 -1 -639 019 559 222
Restated balance 31.12.2022 214 982 983 260 -1 -639 019 559 222
Annual period profit (loss) 0 0 0 -19 668 -19 668
Other changes in equity 0 36 177 0 -628 35 549
30.12.2023 214 982 1 019 437 -1 -659 315 575 103


Contacts for additional information

Hannes Niid
Management Board Member of Punktid Technologies AS

E-mail: invest@punktid.com  

01.05 Punktid Technologies AS AA 2023 ENG.pdf