English Estonian
Published: 2024-03-29 09:12:25 CET
Punktid Technologies
Interim information

Punktid Technologies AS 2023 consolidated six-month unaudited report

Board commentary 

In the second half of 2023, Punktid group achieved the previously set goal and returned to profit. For the entire Punktid group, the main goal of the second half of the year was profit maximization, which is why major investments were suspended for that time. 

In order to return to profitability, we limited ourselves to essential works and cut costs, and we also minimized wholesale sales in order to keep the focus on the stabilization of the platform launched in the first half of the year, both in terms of functionality and sales made through the platform. The decisions made brought results and we achieved profit already in the III quarter. The difference between sales through the platform in Q3 and Q4 was positive, indicating that sales had stabilized. Unfortunately, the IV quarter did not show such an increase as we are used to seeing in previous years. One major reason is the reduced purchasing power of people both in Estonia and elsewhere in the Baltic region. We can also conclude this from the fact that the website traffic had not changed much, and in the IV quarter the number of purchases increased by 12.8% compared to the III quarter, which is correlated with the turnover growth in the 2023 III quarter vs. the IV quarter of the same year, but the average shopping cart amount has decreased. In addition, we can see that there is also an upward trend in purchases paid with partial and installment payments. 

Usually, sales in September increase significantly compared to the summer, but in 2023 we did not see that kind of sharp increase. September sales did increase by 7% compared to August, and sales continued to increase monthly until the end of the year, which is also usual in our sector, but overall sales numbers were still lower than the previous year. According to the management, this is mainly due to the worsening economic situation of Estonia and its immediate neighbors and people's choice on what to spend money on. 

In the second half of the year, we also worked on the preparation for the expansion of the platform to new markets. Due to the problems of the payment service provider that was in use at the time, we experienced a temporary setback with this activity in the fall, when we were forced to do additional unplanned development work to integrate and set up a new payment service. In the IV quarter, we successfully integrated a new payment service and continued with preparations for expansion to new markets. 

The goal of Punctid Technologies AS is to continue to remain profitable and, as possible, to continue investing in order to expand into new markets. 

We thank our investors for their trust and support.


Key financial ratios

  31.12.2023 31.12.2022
Sales revenue €402 810 €744 379
Operating profit before depreciation (EBITDA) €93 860 €-228 574
Operating profit (EBIT) €70 118 €-243 608
Operating profit margin (operating profit / sales revenue) 17% -33%
Short-term debt coverage ratio (current assets / short-term liabilities)  3.01 2.82
Assets to equity ratio (assets / equity) 1.44 1.27
Return on equitly (ROE) 12% -44%
Return on Assets (ROA) 8% -34%


Consolidated statement of financial position
(in Euros)

31.12.2023 31.12.2022 Note nr
Current assets      
Cash and cash equivalents 18 360 129 039  
Financial investments 0 0  
Receivables and prepayments 29 376 83 483 2
Inventories 377 184 198 731 3
Total current assets 424 920 411 253  
Non-current assets      
Property, plant and equipment 43 145 57 636 6
Intangible assets 360 777 239 676 7
Total non-current assets 403 922 297 312  
Total assets 828 842 708 565  
Liabilities and equity      
Current liabilities      
Loan liablities 21 445 3 087 8
Payables and prepayments 119 553 142 977 9
Total current liabilities 140 998 146 064  
Non-current liabilities      
Loan liablities 113 812 3 279 8
Total non-current liabilities 113 812 3 279  
Total liabilities 254 810 149 343  
Equity held by shareholders and partners in parent company      
Share capital 214 982 214 982 10
Share premium 1 019 437 983 260  
Own shares -1 -1  
Retained earnings (loss) -726 530 -394 887  
Annual period profit (loss) 66 144 -244 132  
Total equity held by shareholders and partners in parent company 574 032 559 222  
Total equity 574 032 559 222  
Total liabilities and equity 828 842 708 565  


Consolidated income statement
(in Euros)

Note nr
Revenue 402 810 744 379 11
Other income 198 108  
Capitalized self-constructed assets 16 551 0  
Goods, raw materials and service -228 813 -628 913 12
Other operating expenses -57 796 -200 136 13
Labor expense -43 805 -143 206 14
Depreciation and impairment loss -23 742 -14 982 6,7
Other expenses -285 -858  
Operating profit (loss) 70 118 -243 608  
Interest expenses -3 675 -524  
Other financial income and expenses -299 0  
Profit (loss) before tax 66 144 -244 132  
Annual period profit (loss) 66 144 -244 132  


Consolidated statement of cash flows
(in Euros)

  01.07.2023 31.12.2023 01.07.2022
Cash flows from operating activities    
Operating profit (loss) 70 118 -243 608
Depreciation and impairment loss (reversal) 23 742 14 982
Profit (loss) on sale of fixed assets -157 0
Other adjustments 0 85
Total adjustments 23 585 15 067
Changes in receivables and prepayments related to operating activities 8 185 -61 550
Changes in inventories -157 963 -23 131
Changes in payables and prepayments related to operating activities 26 769 37 252
Total cash flows from operating activities -29 306 -275 970
Cash flows from investing activities    
Purchase of property, plant and equipment and intangible assets -41 289 -179 693
Disposal of fixed assets 750 241
Interest received 1 18
Total cash flows from investing activities -40 538 -179 434
Cash flows from financing activities    
Loans received 44 144 0
Repayments of loans received -9 360 -1 565
Change in overdraft balance 0 -3 500
Repayments of finance lease liabilities -1 834 -1 221
Interest paid -1 775 -524
Received from the sales of own shares 36 177 0
Other financial payments -300 0
Total cash flows from financing activities 67 052 -6 810
Total cash flows -2 792 -462 214
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period 21 152 591 313
Change in cash and cash equivalents -2 792 -462 214
The effect of changes in foreign exchange rates 0 -60
Cash and cash equivalents at end of period 18 360 129 039


Consolidated statement of changes in equity
(in Euros)

  Equity held by shareholders in parent company  
  Share capital Share premium  Own shares Retained earnings(loss) Total  
Restated balance
214 982 983 260 -1 -639 019 559 188
Annual period profit (loss)  0 0 0 -87 511 -87 511
30.06.2023 214 982 983 260 -1 -726 530 471 711
Annual period profit (loss) 0 0 0 66 144 66 144
Sales of own shares 0 36 177 0 0 36 177
30.06.2023 214 982 1 019 437 -1 -660 386 574 032 

Contacts for additional information

Hannes Niid
Management Board Member of Punktid Technologies AS

E-mail: invest@punktid.com  

Consolidated six-month unaudited report 31.12.2023 ENG.pdf