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Published: 2024-10-15 12:26:47 CEST
Nter Asset Management
General meeting of shareholders


Vilnius, Lithuania, 2024-10-15 12:26 CEST --

NOTIFICATION REGARDING CONVOCATION OF THE EXTRAORDINARY GENERAL MEETING OF SHAREHOLDERS OF INVESTMENT COMPANY WITH VARIABLE CAPITAL OMX BALTIC BENCHMARK FUNDNotice is hereby given of the convening of the General Meeting of Shareholders (hereinafter – GMS) of the variable capital investment company „OMX Baltic Benchmark Fund“, legal entity code: 111713358, registered office address at Antano Tumėno str. 4, LT-01109 Vilnius, Lithuania (hereinafter – Company). The GMS of the Company shall be held on 7 November, 2024, at 15 o’clock  at the registered office of the limited liability company Nter Asset Management, legal entity code 111707985, registered office address Jogailos street 9A, Vilnius, the Republic of Lithuania (hereinafter – the Management Company), on -1 floor.
Only those persons who will be shareholders of the Company at the close of business on the record date of the GMS will be entitled to attend and vote at the GMS. The record date for the GMS is the fifth business day before the Company's GMS, i. e. 30 October, 2024.
It is not possible to participate and vote by means of electronic communication. For your convenience, shareholders are kindly asked to vote in advance by filling in the general voting ballot which is published on the website of the Management Company: https://www.nteram.lt/en/omx-baltic-benchmark-fund-en. The voting ballots are also attached to this notification.  We are kindly asking to send a filled and signed with an electronic qualified signature ballot not later than until 7 November, 2024, 15 o’clock (EET; UTC+02:00) to Management Company via email info@nteram.lt.
Agenda of the Meeting and its draft decisions: 
1)    Regarding the decision on the termination of Company’s activities and its liquidation;
2)    In the event of a decision to terminate Company’s activities and liquidate the Company, regarding the election (appointment) of a Company’s management company as a liquidator of the Company and the authorisation of the Manager of the Company to conclude an agreement on the management’s transfer and liquidation of the investment company with the Company’s elected (appointed) liquidator as well as the approval of a draft agreement on the management’s transfer and liquidation of the investment company with the Company’s elected (appointed) liquidator;
3)    In the event of a decision to terminate Company’s activities and liquidate the Company, regarding the decision to delist Company's shares from trading on the regulated market operating in the Republic of Lithuania.

In case you do have any questions regarding the Meeting please do not hesitate to contact the Management Company:

Tel. No.: +370 5 203 2699
Email: info@nteram.lt

1.     Notification regarding convocation of general meeting of shareholders;
2.     General voting ballot;
3.     Draft agreement for transfer of management and liquidation of the variable capital investment company OMX Baltic Benchmark Fund.


02_Notification on GMS_OMX_2024 10 15.pdf
03_Voting ballot_OMX_2024 10 15.pdf
04_DRAFT_Transfer of management and liquidation agreement_2024 OCT.docx