Arco Vara AS (register code 10261718, registered address Rävala pst 5, 10143 Tallinn; hereinafter the Company) hereby announces a public offering of the Company’s additional shares (the Offer Shares) to the existing shareholders of the Company and informs about the contemplated listing and admission to trading of the Offer Shares on the regulated market operated by Nasdaq Tallinn AS (register code 10359206, registered address Tartu mnt 2, 10145 Tallinn).
Public Offering of Offer Shares
The Company offers publicly up to 2,670,000 additional shares of the Company with the nominal value of 0.7 euros each to the existing shareholders of the Company. The public offering is carried out only in Estonia.
Currently, the share capital of the Company is 4,554,908.40 euros, which is divided into 6,507,012 shares, registered with Nasdaq CSD Societas Europaea (NCSD) under ISIN code EE3100034653. Provided that the offering is successful and that all the Offer Shares (altogether 2,670,000 shares) are subscribed for and issued by the Company, the number of the shares will be 9,177,012.
The Offer Shares are the dematerialised bearer shares, kept in a book-entry form. The Offer Shares are of the same class as the existing shares of the Company. For subscription, a temporary ISIN code EE3808034658 will be used, which will be later converted into ISIN code EE3100034653, under which the existing shares of the Company are registered.
The Offer Shares will be offered at a price of 1.50 euros per one share, of which 0.70 euros is the nominal value of one share and 0.80 euros is the issue premium.
The time schedule of the offering of the Offer Shares is as follows:
29.12.2017 at 09:00 | Start of the period of subscription for the shares |
15.01.2018 at 16:00 | End of the period of subscription for the shares |
On or about 17.01.2018 | Publication of the results of the allocation of the shares |
On or about 18.01.2018 | Transfer of the shares to investors’ securities accounts |
On or about 25.01.2018 | Expected listing of the Offer Shares and admission to trading on the regulated market operated by Nasdaq Tallinn AS (on the Baltic Main List of the Nasdaq Tallinn Stock Exchange) |
In order to subscribe for the Offer Shares, an investor has to submit during the subscription period to the custodian who holds the investor’s securities account opened at NCSD a subscription undertaking (the Subscription Undertaking), which has to contain the following data:
1 | Owner of the securities account: | Name of the investor who submitted the Subscription Undertaking |
2 | Securities account: | Number of the investor’s securities account |
3 | Custodian: | Name of the investor’s custodian |
4 | Security: | Arco Vara additional share |
5 | ISIN code: | EE3808034658 |
6 | Amount of securities: | The number of Offer Shares determined by the investor |
7 | Price (per share): | 1.5 euros |
8 | Transaction amount: | The total amount of the transaction |
9 | Counterparty: | Arco Vara |
10 | Securities account of counterparty: | 99101908627 |
11 | Custodian of the counterparty: | LHV Pank AS |
12 | Value date of the transaction (trade date): | Date of submission of the Subscription Undertaking |
13 | Value date of the transaction: | 18.01.2018 |
14 | Type of transaction: | “purchase” |
15 | Type of settlement: | “delivery versus payment” |
The Subscription Undertaking will be forwarded to NCSD.
Listing and Admission to Trading of Offer Shares
The Company’s shares are listed and admitted to trading on the Baltic Main List of the Nasdaq Tallinn Stock Exchange. The Company intends to apply for the listing and admission to trading of the Offer Shares on the same market. The expected date of listing and admission to trading is on or about 25 January 2018.
While every effort will be made and due care will be taken in order to ensure the listing and the admission to trading of the Offer Shares, the Company cannot ensure that the Offer Shares will be listed and admitted to trading.
Availability of Prospectus
The public offering, listing and admission to trading prospectus of the Company’s shares has been published and can be obtained in electronic format from the Company’s website and from the website of the Financial Supervision Authority Additionally, the prospectus is available through the information system of Nasdaq Tallinn Stock Exchange.
Before investing into the Company’s shares you are advised to read the entire prospectus.