Published: 2023-08-08 18:13:04 CEST
Icelandair Group hf.
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Icelandair: Traffic Data July 2023

Icelandair transported 567 thousand passengers in July 2023, a 7% increase compared to July last year. This is the highest number of passengers carried in one month since July 2019, when passengers were around 590 thousand.  

Passengers on international flights were 543 thousand, and thereof 48% were traveling to Iceland, 11% from Iceland, and 41% were via passengers. The load factor was 86.4% on 16% more capacity than in July last year. Demand continued to be particularly strong on North American routes. On-time performance on international flights was 73%, which is a significant improvement over last year but below the Company’s long-term goals. 

Passengers on domestic flights were 24 thousand. The load factor was nearly 70% and on-time performance was 86%, significantly improving from last year by 11 percentage points.  

Freight carried, measured in Freight Ton Kilometers (FTK), increased by 63% between years due to a larger flight schedule and longer flight distances. There was less increase in tons carried, or 17% year-on-year. Sold block hours in the leasing operation decreased by 2%. 

Route NetworkJul 23Jul 22CHG (%)YTD 23YTD 22CHG (%)
Number of Passengers 566,777529,1897%2,411,5951,940,98824%
Load Factor86.4%89.5%-3.1 ppt82.7%78.5%4.2 ppt
Available Seat KM (ASK´000,000)2,008.71,731.616%8,589.77,038.522%
Revenue Passenger KM (RPK´000,000)1,736.21,550.612%7,102.15,524.629%
  To market (passengers)261,758230,25314%1,005,655819,14123%
  From market (passengers)58,03757,3351%367,616304,58221%
  Via market (passengers)223,030216,7373%880,769668,34432%
Number of Passengers 542,825504,3268%2,254,0391,792,06726%
Load Factor86.5%89.6%-3.1 ppt82.7%78.5%4.2 ppt
Available Seat KM (ASK´000,000)1,998.51,721.916%8,529.16,984.022%
Revenue Passenger KM (RPK´000,000)1,729.11,543.412%7,056.35,482.229%
Stage length (KM)3,1753,0733%3,0973,0691%
On-Time-Performance (Arrivals)73.0%63.5%9.5 ppt74.0%71.7%2.3 ppt
Number of Passengers23,95224,863-4%157,555148,9216%
Load Factor69.8%74.5%-4.7 ppt75.6%77.9%-2.3 ppt
Available Seat KM (ASK´000,000)10.29.76%60.654.411%
On-Time-Performance (Arrivals)86%75%11.0 ppt85%72%13.0 ppt
Cargo & LeasingJul 23Jul 22CHG (%)YTD 23YTD 22CHG (%)
Sold Block Hours - Leasing1,3251,348-2%8,8558,2807%
Freight Tonne KM (FTK´000)15,0689,24963%104,21578,43033%
CO2 EMISSIONSJul 23Jul 22CHG (%)YTD 23YTD 22CHG (%)
Total CO2 emissions tonnes 136,173122,20911%599,174511,24317%
CO2 emissions per OTK0.720.720%0.750.79-5%

Contact information
Investors: Iris Hulda Thorisdottir, Director Investor Relations. E-mail: iris@icelandair.is
Media: Asdis Petursdottir, Director Communications. E-mail: asdis@icelandair.is