The annual general meeting of shareholders of AS Bercman Technologies (registry code 14134425, seat Riia 26, Tartu; hereinafter Bercman or Company) was held on 10.05.2023 from 12:00 to 12:22 at Riia str 26, 50405, Tartu, Estonia.
The list of shareholders entitled to participate in the extraordinary general meeting was determined as at 7 (seven) days before the general meeting, i.e. on 03.05.2023, at the end of the business day of the settlement system of Nasdaq CSD.
The Company has 4061 shareholders, who own 1,439,031 shares.
Altogether 9 shareholders of Bercman participated at the annual general meeting of shareholders, the shares held by them represented 888,626 votes, i.e. 61,75% of all the votes represented by shares including 9 shareholders, who submitted their votes in writing before the general meeting and who represented with the shares held by them 888,626 votes, i.e. 61,75% of the votes represented by Bercman’s shares. Therefore, the general meeting had quorum and was competent to adopt resolutions.
The agenda of the annual general meeting was as follows:
The general meeting adopted the following resolutions in respect of the items in the agenda.
1. Overview of the Company’s economic results for 2022 and future plans
As this was an informative item on the agenda it was not voted. The shareholders took notice of the information.
2. Approval of the Company’s 2022 consolidated annual report and covering of losses
To approve the Company’s 2022 consolidated annual report as presented to the general meeting and cover the losses of the Company in the 2022 financial year in the sum of EUR 774,226 from the profit of future periods.
Voting results:
For: 888,626 votes; 100% votes participating at the meeting
Against: 0 votes; 0% votes participating at the meeting
Impartial: 0 votes; 0% votes participating at the meeting
Did not vote: 0 votes; 0% votes participating at the meeting
3. Election of the Company’s auditor
Elect sworn auditor Eve Leppik (personal identification code: 46411296529) from the company of auditors Number RT OÜ (registry code 10213553) as the Company’s auditor for the fiscal year of 2023.
Voting results:
For: 888,626 votes; 100% votes participating at the meeting
Against: 0 votes; 0% votes participating at the meeting
Impartial: 0 votes; 0% votes participating at the meeting
Did not vote: 0 votes; 0% votes participating at the meeting
4. Remuneration payments to supervisory board members
To establish remuneration for Company’s supervisory board members as follows: supervisory board chairman’s remuneration shall be EUR 250 per month (gross), supervisory board members’ remuneration shall be EUR 200 per month (gross).
Voting results:
For: 888,626 votes; 100% votes participating at the meeting
Against: 0 votes; 0% votes participating at the meeting
Impartial: 0 votes; 0% votes participating at the meeting
Did not vote: 0 votes; 0% votes participating at the meeting
Bercman is a technology company founded in 2016 that focuses on developing and selling smart city and mobility technologies and products to European markets. Bercman's subsidiary Krakul is a developer of Internet of Things and autonomous mobility systems, founded in 2013. Krakul and Bercman together form the Bercman Group. Together, they implement the Bercman Group's development objectives, bring cost-effective product solutions to more markets and reach out with development services to the fast-growing and promising areas of smart cities and smart living in general.
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