The shareholders of Grab2Go AS, registry code 16014547, address Veskiposti tn 2-1002, 10138, Tallinn, Estonia (hereinafter referred to as the "Company") adopted the following resolution of the extraordinary general meeting in accordance with § 2991 of the Commercial Code without calling the meeting.
The list of shareholders entitled to vote was determined seven days before the voting deadline, i.e. March 25, 2024, at the end of the working day of the Nasdaq CSD SE settlement system. Company's share capital is 812,527.20 euros, the company has 8125272 ordinary shares, each share gives 1 vote. The deadline set for the shareholders to submit their vote was April 1, 2024 at the latest at 17:00 Estonian time. If the shareholder did not announce whether he was in favor or against the decision by the aforementioned deadline, he was considered to vote against the decision (ÄS § 2991 (2)) and these votes are reflected in the voting results as against votes.
The company's shareholders adopted the following decision:
1. Choosing a new auditor of the company
To elect Madis Valk (identity code 36905240248), from the audit firm Crowe DNW OÜ with registry code 14299250, as the company's auditor for the audit of the financial years ending on 31.12.2023 and 31.12.2024. The amount of the fee to be paid to the auditor is decided by the board and is agreed upon in the contract with the auditor.
Result of the vote:
In favor: 5,528,715 votes (68.04%)
Against (including did not vote): 2,596,557 votes (31.96%)
Neutral: 0 votes (0%)
Since 5,528,715 votes have been cast in favor of the decision, or 68.04% of the votes assigned with all voting shares, the decision has been adopted.