English Latvian
Published: 2023-11-10 12:27:03 CET
SAF Tehnika
Notice to general meeting

Notification on convocation of regular meeting of shareholders of JSC “SAF Tehnika” on 13 December, 2023

Riga, Latvia, 2023-11-10 12:27 CET --  

The Board of Directors of “SAF Tehnika” JSC (Reg.No.40003474109, legal address: 24a, Ganibu dambis, Riga, LV-1005, Latvia) informs that it convenes a regular shareholders’ meeting on 13 December, 2023 at 10.00 AM (GMT +2H).

We invite all shareholders to participate in the meeting online without a physical presence. The shareholders, who want to participate in the meeting on-site, must inform about their arrival on the premises by the end of working day 12 December, 2023.  


  1. Approval of report of the Board of Directors and the Supervisory Council;
  2. Approval of the annual report for the financial year 2022/2023 and release the Board of Directors from responsibility for financial year 2022/2023;
  3. Taking a decision regarding distribution of FY 2022/2023 profit;
  4. Appointment of the auditor for the financial year 2023/2024 and determination of reward for the auditor;
  5. Approval of Management Board and Supervisory Council remuneration report;
  6. Amendments to the wording of the Articles of Association.

It is intended to make amendments to the wording of the Articles of Association according to changes in the Commercial Law.

Shareholders and their representatives can submit draft decisions regarding the issues of the agenda to be discussed on the shareholders meeting until 17 November 2023 by sending them signed with a secure electronic signature to the e-mail address investors@saftehnika.com. Or by sending them by post to the head office at Ganibu dambis 24a, Riga, LV-1005, Latvia.

Draft resolutions on the issues of the agenda to be discussed on the shareholders meeting and the voting form will be published on 28 November 2023. Draft resolutions will be available also on company’s webpage www.saftehnika.com, but on the meeting day at the registration desk.

The total number of shares with a right to vote amounts to 2 970 180 (two million nine hundred seventy thousand one hundred eighty).

Shareholders can participate personally or delegate a representative and to vote in person or to exercise the right to participate and vote remotely by electronic means.

Shareholders may exercise the right to vote in writing before the shareholders' meeting, using a secure electronic signature, by sending a vote to the e-mail address investors@saftehnika.com or in paper sending by post to the address Ganibu dambis 24a, Riga, LV-1005, Latvia. The published voting form must be used for voting. Such a vote will be taken into account if received by the end of 12 December 2023. Shareholders with such a vote will be considered present at the shareholders' meeting. A shareholder who has voted before the shareholders' meeting may ask the Company to confirm the receipt of the vote. The Company shall send a confirmation to the shareholder immediately upon receipt of the shareholder's vote.

If a shareholder has voted before the meeting, this does not prevent him from attending the meeting in person or joining the meeting remotely and participating in the voting. In this case, the vote previously cast by the shareholder will be canceled and the vote cast during the meeting will be taken into account.

Only persons or entities which are shareholders on the date of record will be entitled to participate in the shareholders’ meeting. The date of record is the end of the day of 5 December 2023.

Registration and identification of shareholders who wish to participate to the meeting remotely will take place in the following order:

  1. By the end of December 12, 2023 shareholders must send a published meeting application form signed with a secure electronic signature to the e-mail address investors@saftehnika.com.  Or signed paper meeting application by post together with a copy of passport or other identification document to the address Ganibu dambis 24a, Riga, LV-1005, Latvia.

Representatives of shareholders must also attach to the e-mail or parcel legally a valid copy of the written power of attorney of the represented shareholder.

  1. Shareholders applied for participation in the meeting remotely will receive an individual connection link to the meeting by e-mail until December 13, 2023, at 09.00 AM.
  1. There will be a video identification held on the day of the meeting from 9.30 a.m. to 10.00 a.m. for security purposes. Shareholders who have applied for the meeting remotely using the link provided must join the meeting at 9.30 a.m. and be prepared to present an identity document by video so that the Chairman of the meeting can compare the image of the shareholder or representative with the image shown in the identity document. During the identification of the video, the head, shoulders, face without shading of the person and a clearly visible image in the presented document must be visible.

The video and audio streaming of the meeting and the video identification process will be recorded.

Registration of participants will take place at the venue on the day of the shareholders’ meeting – on 13 December 2022 from 9.30 a.m. until 10.00 a.m.

Shareholders at the registration must present a passport or another identification document. Representatives of shareholders at the registration must show a power of attorney witnessed by a notary or a power of attorney legally equal to that and passport or another verifying document. The template of the power of attorney is available on company’s webpage www.saftehnika.com


The Board of “SAF Tehnika” JSC


         Additional information:
         Zane Jozepa
         CFO, Member of the Board

Shareholder meeting application form_2023.docx
Statuti_Articles of Association_Konsolidetie_2023_Nov.doc