This draft resolution of the shareholders of Arco Vara AS (registry code 10261718, hereinafter the Company) was sent to the shareholders of the Company on 26 August 2021 for the purpose of adopting the following resolution of the shareholders of the Company without calling a general meeting in accordance with § 2991 of the Commercial Code:
The draft resolution:
The shareholders of the Company have decided to extend the public offering period (offer period) of the new shares of the Company and in connection with this it was decided to amend clause c) of the resolution adopted at the extraordinary general meeting of shareholders on 12 August 2021 and confirm it in the following wording:
“c) The subscription and payment for the new shares will take place between 20 September 2021 at 10:00 and 15 October 2021 at 16:00 in accordance with the procedure specified in the offer document, which will be published before the start of the offer period.”
The other clauses of the resolution adopted at the extraordinary general meeting of shareholders held on 12 August 2021 will not be changed and they will remain valid as adopted and unchanged by the general meeting.
The draft resolution and other information subject to disclosure pursuant to law are published on the Company’s website at The website of the Company also has an overview of the documents that are necessary for forming opinions on the draft resolution.
Voting procedure and instructions
The list of shareholders entitled to vote is fixed seven days before the end of the vote, i.e. 3 September 2021 as of the end of the business day of the Nasdaq CSD Estonian settlement system. Shareholders may vote on the draft resolution only by electronic means or by submitting a paper voting ballot as follows:
Pursuant to § 2991 (2) of the Commercial Code, if a shareholder does not state within the specified term whether he or she is for or against the resolution, he or she shall be deemed to vote against the resolution.
The management board shall publish the voting results on 10 September 2021 as a stock exchange announcement, the management board shall prepare a voting record about the voting results in accordance with the requirements of § 2991 (4) of the Commercial Code. Seven days after the deadline for shareholders to submit, the adopted resolutions are available on the website of the Company.
The draft resolution will also be published in the newspaper Postimees on 27 August 2021.
The following annexes are attached to this draft resolution:
Annex 1 – voting ballot
Annex 2 – power of attorney form for a natural person
Annex 3 – power of attorney form for a legal entity
For more information, please contact:
Miko-Ove Niinemäe
Management board member