Joint-stock company "Latvijas Jūras medicīnas centrs", registration number: 40003306807, legal address: Patversmes iela 23, Rīga, LV-1005 (hereinafter referred to as the "Company") hereby convenes and announces that the Ordinary Shareholders' Meeting of the Company will be held on June 12, 2024, at 17:00, at Patversmes iela 23, Rīga.
1. Approval of the 2023 Annual Report.
1.1. Board's report on the results of operations for 2023;
1.2. Report on compliance with corporate governance principles for 2023;
1.2. Council's report on the 2023 annual report;
1.3. Annual report of the Audit Committee;
1.4. Auditor's opinion on the 2023 annual report;
1.5. Compensation Report for 2023;
1.6. Approval of the 2023 annual report of JSC "Latvijas Jūras medicīnas centrs".
2. Covering the losses of 2023.
3. Approval of the 2024 Budget and Development Plan.
4. Appointment of Auditor and Determination of Remuneration.
5. Determination of Compensation for Board Members.
6. About the Audit Committee.
7. Amendments to the Articles of Association.
Actions to be taken for participation in the shareholders' meeting: Shareholders' registration on the day of the meeting - June 12, 2024 - from 16:15 to 17:00 at the venue of the meeting.
The record date, on which the list of shareholders for participation in the meeting will be fixed, is June 4, 2024. Only persons who are shareholders on the record date have the right to participate and vote in the Company's shareholders' meeting, as well as vote by mail before the shareholders' meeting.
Shareholders themselves or through their legal representatives or proxies have the right to (i) attend and vote at the shareholders' meeting in person, and (ii) submit a vote before the meeting. Shareholders must present a valid identification document upon registration, and legal representatives must also provide a properly executed power of attorney. Legal representatives must attach a document certifying representation.
Shareholders can participate in the meeting either in person or through their representatives. Shareholders must present a valid identification document upon registration, and legal representatives must also provide a properly executed power of attorney. The form of the power of attorney is available on the website and at the office at Patversmes iela 23 in Riga.
The power of attorney form is available (i) on the Company's website, (ii) at the Company's office at Patversmes iela 23 in Riga, (iii) on the website of the Official Central Storage System for mandatory information, and (iv) on the website of AS Nasdaq Riga A shareholder may inform the Company of the appointment or revocation of a proxy by email. Such notification (power of attorney form) must be signed with a secure electronic signature.
Pre-voting: Shareholders have the right to exercise their voting rights by voting in writing before the shareholders' meeting, using an electronic or paper-based ballot form, which must be electronically signed with a secure electronic signature, or by hand if a paper form is used.
The pre-voting ballot form will be published together with the meeting resolutions and is available (i) on the Company's website, (ii) on the website of the Official Central Storage System for mandatory information, and (iii) on the website of AS Nasdaq Riga Pre-voting will be considered if the signed ballot form is received by the Company by June 11, 2024 (inclusive).
Shareholders who have voted before the meeting will be considered present at the shareholders' meeting. A shareholder who has voted before the shareholders' meeting may request the Company to confirm receipt of the vote. The Company will immediately send confirmation to the shareholder upon receipt of the vote.
Additional agenda items, submission of draft resolutions, and requests for information: Shareholders representing at least 1/20 of the Company's share capital have the right to: (i) request additional agenda items to be included in the meeting agenda by May 28, 2024 (inclusive). (ii) submit draft resolutions on the agenda items included in the meeting agenda by June 5, 2024 (inclusive). Any shareholder has the right to request information in writing about the agenda items included in the meeting agenda by June 5, 2024 (inclusive). In such cases, the board will provide the requested information to the shareholder no later than June 8, 2024 (inclusive).
Correspondence address: All correspondence mentioned in this notice must be sent signed with a secure electronic signature to the Company's email address or by mail to the Company's legal address: Patversmes iela 23, Rīga, LV-1005.
The draft resolutions of the meeting, the voting form, and the application form for participation in the shareholders' meeting using electronic means of communication are published together with this notice.
Information about the shareholders' meeting (including the draft resolutions on the agenda items, as well as information about other matters to be considered at the meeting) is also available on the website of JSC "Latvijas Jūras medicīnas centrs": and on the website of AS Nasdaq Riga
In addition to the draft resolutions included in the meeting agenda, as well as information about other matters considered at the meeting, shareholders may familiarize themselves with the Company's legal address on business days from 10:00 to 16:00.
The total number of shares and the total number of voting rights of shareholders of the Company is 800,000.
1. Audited 2023 Annual Report (with Compensation Report) with the auditor's opinion;
2. Report on compliance with corporate governance principles for 2023;
3. Draft resolutions of the shareholders' meeting;
4. Draft of the Articles of Association (new version);
5. Council's report;
6. Annual report of the Audit Committee;
7. Power of Attorney form;
8. Voting form.
Board of Joint-stock company "Latvijas Jūras medicīnas centrs"