English Swedish
Published: 2024-09-09 17:05:00 CEST
Boozt AB
Investor News

Norwegian Tax Authority appeals verdict

Boozt Fashion AB has been informed by its Norwegian legal representative that the Court of Appeals’ (Borgarting lagmannsrett) verdict in the case between Boozt Fashion AB and the Norwegian Tax Authority has been appealed by the Tax Authority to the Norwegian High Court (Høyesterett).

The case concerns the validity of the Norwegian Tax Authority's decision on September 30, 2022, to reject Boozt's application for simplified registration for value added tax in the Norwegian so-called VOEC-registry. Boozt will now review the Tax Authority's appeal letter and respond in writing to it.

Boozt currently has no information as to whether the Norwegian High Court will grant the appeal review dispensation, the expected processing time or when the High Court may be expected to issue a verdict in the case.

Norwegian Tax Authority appeals verdict.pdf