In the financial calendar for 2023, published on 18 January 2023, ELMO Rent AS announced that consolidated audited financial statements for the financial year 2022 will be published on 31 May 2023. Due to the decision to replace the accountant of ELMO Rent AS group with a new accounting service provider due to the increase in volumes, the transition process has taken longer than planned, due to which the auditing of the consolidated report for the 2022 financial year is delayed. The issuer will publish consolidated audited report for the financial year 2022 as soon as possible, but no later than 30 June 2023.
For additional information please contact:
Enn Laansoo, Jr
Member of the Board
Elmo is an Estonian company whose main field of activity is the development of an innovative deep-tech technology for remotely controlled cars (see and the provision of eco-friendly car-sharing services (see Elmo is the first car rental company in Estonia to receive the quality label for sustainable business.