The Management Board of AB Linas Agro Group (the Company) on 6 October 2023 approved the Consolidated Annual Report of the Company for the financial year 2022/2023 with its Annexes, including the Company’s Remuneration Report, and submits it to the Meeting of Company’s shareholders together with the Company’s Audit Committee Activity Report, the Company’s and consolidated set of financial statements and the Distribution of the Company’s Profit (Loss). The Board of the Company also approved and submits draft decisions and documentation of the convened Annual General Meeting of the Company's Shareholders.
In the event of the resignation of a member of the Audit Committee, the Board proposes to the Shareholders' Meeting the nomination of a new member of the Audit Committee.
The Management Board of the Company proposes to allocate EUR 4,169,125 to dividends (what makes EUR 0.026 per share).
The Annual General Meeting of the Company’s Shareholders will take place on 27 October 2023 at 10.00 a.m., Radisson Collection Astorija Hotel, Hall Sonata (Didžioji St. 35/2, Vilnius, Lithuania). The notice about it was published on 5 October 2023 (link to it
The Supervisory Board of the Company, having familiarized itself with the information provided by the Company's CEO and the Board and taking into account the Company’s Audit Committee Activity Report and the Audit firm's conclusion, made its decisions and submits them to the Company's shareholders:
1. Approve the Consolidated Annual Report of the Company for the financial year 2022/2023 with its annexes.
2. Propose to the Company's shareholders to approve the consolidated and the Company‘s set of financial statements for the financial year ended 30 June 2023.
3. To propose to the Company's shareholders to approve the presented Distribution of the Company’s Profit (Loss).
4. Offer to the Company's shareholders to elect UAB ERNST & YOUNG BALTIC (code 110878442) as the Company's audit firm for 4 (four) years, determining the remuneration according to the description provided.
The Supervisory Board gives a favorable opinion on the performance of the Company's CEO and the Management Board and provides the Company's shareholders with information on the activities of the Supervisory Board.
Attached documents:
The Company's Annual report with Annexes and the set of annual financial statements
Independent auditor's report
Audit Committee Activity Report
Supervisory Board Activities
Draft resolutions of the General Meeting of Shareholders of the Company
General Voting Ballot
Draft of the new version of the Company's Articles of Association
CV of the candidate for the Audit Committee
For further information please contact:
Mažvydas Šileika, Chief Financial Officer of Linas Agro Group AB
Mob. +370 619 19 403