1. Reports of the Management Board, the Supervisory Board and statement of the Sworn auditor, approval of Annual report for the year 2023.
1) To take notice of the report of the Management Board, the report of the Supervisory Board of the Company and the statement of the sworn auditor.
2) To approve joint AS "APF Holdings" Annual accounts for the year 2023 and AS "APF Holdings" Consolidated Annual accounts for the year 2023 prepared by the Management Board of the Company and revised by the Supervisory Board of the Company.
2. Distribution of profit.
1) To transfer the profit of 2023 in the amount of EUR 565 983 to the retained earnings of AS "APF Holdings".
3. Election of the auditor and setting of the remuneration to the auditor.
1) To elect AS “Baker Tilly Baltics” (commercial company licence No.80) as auditor of the Annual Report of AS "APF Holdings" for the year 2024.
2) To determine the remuneration for the auditor for audit of the Annual Report for the year 2024 cannot exceed 30 000 EUR, excluding VAT.
3) To assign the Management Board of AS "APF Holdings" to sign the contract with the elected auditor for audit of the Annual Report of AS "APF Holdings" for the year 2024.
APF Holdings (NASDAQ: EGG) is a dynamic group of companies engaged in poultry farming, chicken egg production and trading, as well as gas and organic fertilizer production related to poultry farming processes. Our portfolio includes SIA Alūksnes putnu ferma (poultry farming and egg production), SIA APF Trading (wholesale trade in chicken eggs), SIA Oluksne (providing poultry farming and egg production services), SIA APF Energy (gas and organic fertilizer production), and SIA Preiļu putni (poultry farming and young chicken rearing). Founded in 2017, APF Holdings has become a leading player in the Baltic region's poultry and egg industry.
Contact information:
Jana Garanča
Marketing and Digital Projects Manager
APF Holdings
M: +371 26408922
E: jana.garanca@apfholdings.lv
Certified Adviser:
Signet Bank AS
Contact Person: Kristiāna Janvare
T: +371 67 081 128
E: Kristiana.Janvare@signetbank.com