AUGA group, AB (code 126264360, address Konstitucijos ave. 21C, Vilnius, Company) updates the questions 1-3 of the agenda of the ordinary general meeting of shareholders of the Company on 30 April 2020 by drafts of decisions and related information.
Management comment
In 2019, audited revenues of AUGA group, AB and its subsidiaries (Group) were EUR 71.13 million (EUR 71.13 million revenues were reported in interim financial statements for 12 months period ended 31 December 2019, hereinafter unaudited data).
Audited net loss of the Group for year 2019 was EUR 3.22 million (unaudited net loss of EUR 3.02 million for year 2019 reported earlier). Audited net loss of the Group eliminating the effect of IFRS 16 for year 2019 was EUR 2.22 million (unaudited net loss eliminating the effect of IFRS 16 amounted to EUR 2.02 million for year 2019 reported earlier).
Group's audited EBITDA for the year 2019 amounted to EUR 17.12 million (unaudited EBITDA of EUR 17.19 million for year 2019 reported earlier). Group's audited EBITDA eliminating the effect of IFRS 16 for the year 2019 amounted to EUR 10.97 (unaudited EBITDA of EUR 11.05 million for year 2019 reported earlier).
Draft decisions of the ordinary shareholders meeting of the Company regarding questions 1-3 of the Agenda of the Meeting are the following:
Taken for the information.
To approve consolidated and separate annual financial statements for the year 2019.
To distribute the Company‘s profit in the total sum of EUR 4,865,117 available for appropriation, as follows:
No. | Ratios | Amount, Euros |
1. | Non-allocated profit (loss) of the previous year at the end of the financial year as of 31 December 2019 | 8,733,304 |
2. | Net profit (loss) for the financial year | (1 394 016) |
3. | Profit (loss) for the reporting financial year not recognized in the profit and loss account | - |
4. | Transfers from reserves | - |
5. | Shareholders' contribution against losses | - |
6. | Portion of the reserve of tangible fixed assets | - |
7. | Profit (loss) for allocation (1+2+3+4+5+6) | 7,339,288 |
8. | Allocation of profit to compulsory reserve | - |
9. | Allocation of profit to reserve for granting of shares | 885,000 |
10. | Allocation of profit to other reserves | - |
11. | Allocation of profit to dividends | - |
12. | Allocation of profit to tantiems | - |
13. | Non-allocated profit (loss) at the end of the reporting year carried forward to next financial year (7-8-9-10-11-12) | 6,454,288 |
The draft decisions and related information on the questions 4-7 of the agenda of the ordinary general meeting of shareholders and the general voting ballot will be provided separately but not later than 10 days prior to the general meeting date.
General Manager
Kęstutis Juščius
+370 5 233 5340